Hi Rudy,
You're welcome. I got a lot of help when I started and there is always more to learn,
so by sharing what I know, it's like putting something back into the bank
then....when I need to learn something new, I won't have to take out another loan. :-)
As you say, learning to design with MoI is definitely easier than Rhino, and yet, it
can still take time to learn to design with a computer if you've never done it before.
I can understand your concerns about paying for prototypes that aren't correct.
One of the good things about having a mill is it gives you the opportunity to make a lot of mistakes ;)
-but also to practice your skills....
Here is a quotation that a friend of mine often uses-
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
An expert is a man that has made all mistakes possible in a narrow
field of expertise".
Albert Einstein
With a mill, you can go from an idea in your mind to a model in your hand in less than an hour.
Then if you want to make changes, all it has cost you is a little time and and some wax, which is cheap.
Well anyway, one thing at a time...when your ready to have a model made, you can post it
on the forum or email it to one of the jewelers on here so you can get another perspective on whether it's a workable model.