Any Sneak peek of the next beta ?
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 From:  OSTexo

There is control point modeling as a feature of the VSR Shape Modeling plugin for Rhino. I find that it works well. The downside is that the VSR shape plugin is twice the cost of Rhino, and over four times the cost of MoI. That said I think it is one of the best plugins I've seen for the Rhino platform in terms of features and the quality you can achieve without being an expert at surfacing. I'm confident MoI will get to that point, and actually greatly prefer the MoI way of working, it's just a matter of time. You might also want to check out Clayoo for Rhino. I've been kicking around the idea that it might be a good addition to the toolbox, and it looks like a T-Splines alternative assuming you have Rhino.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Indeed :)

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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
5721.44 In reply to 5721.42 
I did play with Clayoo and on my machine it slowed down very quickly.

Win 7 pro, 64bit
64 bit Rhino
8GB ram
7200 RPM harddrives.

TSpline, from my messing around, maintained good performance through pretty complex modifications. Clayoo is pretty cool too but it seemed to be more of a CPU hog.
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 From:  stevecim
5721.45 In reply to 5721.35 
>Hi steve,

>> Not I, yet :) but they look like they should be helpful :)

>Do you have a particular goal in mind for where they'd be helpful?

>- Michael

I was thinking that they might help with organic modelling without having to resort to mesh tools.

Not that I know anything about about how moi works :).
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 From:  stevecim
5721.46 In reply to 5721.45 
Can someone tell me about T-Splines, seen plenty of videos and results and a lot of rhino users love them,
Are they a mesh tool? Or are they some sort of advance surface type?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5721.47 In reply to 5721.45 
Hi Steve,

> I was thinking that they might help with organic modelling without having
> to resort to mesh tools.

I think you'd have to have some fairly limited organic modeling target goal for just that tool to really do the full job of that.

It's very unlikely that you would be able to sculpt a face for example with a limited detail tool like that.

If you do think it would help you with something, you can always test the one in ViaCAD and see if it helps you or not.

> Can someone tell me about T-Splines, seen plenty of videos and results
> and a lot of rhino users love them,
> Are they a mesh tool? Or are they some sort of advance surface type?

Sort of both of those - they're basically a polygon modeling tool but that can generate NURBS surfaces as their output instead of only generating polygon results.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer

... patent...

edit, end semicolon is supposed to be part of address.

EDITED: 21 Feb 2013 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
...nurbs and CAD 30 years together
very cool synthetic article
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  PaQ
5721.50 In reply to 5721.17 
I think it will probably be called NSided.

- Michael

Hi Michael,

Does it really have to be a seperate command ? I mean it looks really close of the blend function for me, on steroid.
I'm pretty sure there are reasons you dont merge the 2 functions ...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5721.51 In reply to 5721.50 
Hi PaQ,

> Does it really have to be a seperate command ? I mean it looks really close of the
> blend function for me, on steroid.
> I'm pretty sure there are reasons you dont merge the 2 functions ...

I may still attempt to do something like that, but the problem is that it could be possible to give regular 2-sided Blend a similar set of inputs when the 2 sides touch each other at their ends.

When 2 functions can take the same inputs but do somewhat different things with them that's when it can be difficult to combine them in one single command.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
All this looks great, Michael.

I sorta dropped off for a bit cause I know for a time, you were mostly focused on the Mac build, but this is that kinda stuff that grabs my attention every time!

Great work!

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 From:  Michael (ORION20036)
5721.53 In reply to 5721.2 
You really are a wizard with the new routines Michael, the NSided function or routine really does add more organic modelling to Moi, which is a boon for 3d sculpture work.

Hats off to you in the development of Moi Michael, it really is a "Moment Of Inspiration" that should not be missed..
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