Ok I will try to discribe it in few words.
Look at this model it has about 300 objects and 20 materials in C4D. (All the same geometry have the same name, like details on the legs it repeats 4 times on each leg)
But when I export obj from moi I have no any ideas how to color it and if I wanted to work with styles like you sugest I will have 300 styles.
In Cinema 4D, If you have 300 materials it's hard to work becouse if you click on the object it not show it's style automaticly like in keyshot. It just have indication among other 300 materials, and you have to find it. It's thousands time easy have 300 objects and then assign materials working in Cinema 4D. Keyshot automaticly creates material for every objects, so if you have 300 objects you will have 300 materials. But in cinema 4d it's possible to have 300 objects and have no any material.
"and why you were saying before that you can't assign one material to multiple objects ??"
You just missunderstood me, you can do it.
