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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.47 In reply to 568.46 
Ok, I follow what you mean now.

Yes, hide is not technically a "real command", it's more like an inline script macro. This is to allow for the ability to hide or show something while you are already running in the middle of some other command.

Someday I should be able to fix things up so that it behaves as you'd expect anyway despite this technical distinction. But it will be a little while before I can get to that.

Actually copy and paste are regular commands. The only ones that aren't are some other things that are also set up so that they can be used while inside some already running command: Edit/Hide, View/Reset All, Select All, Deselect All and Invert.

So currently as a side effect of that none of those particular ones will repeat with a right mouse click.

It's not especially intentional, it's just a slight bug due to the way things work right now.

Also undo, redo, and delete are set by default to not repeat in the .ini file under
NonRepeatingCommands=delete undo redo

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
568.48 In reply to 568.47 
Hi Michael,

I appreciate the explanation about inline script macros. I learned a little more about how scripting works
and it motivated me to set up a few keyboard shortcuts for hiding and unhiding curves and surfaces,
something I hadn't bothered to do before.
The repeating paste thing isn't really a big deal, I just didn't understand why it was happening.


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