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 From:  B-W-Design
rotating, zooming and panning. But you're also able to set function when you tipp on it.
I will never give this wounderfull thing away! It's unbelievebel how fast you could work with it.
Real amazing!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.41 In reply to 568.37 
Hi Jesse,

> I have a question; The new Hide button it seems to go against the convention
> of the other buttons because you have to use to the Enter key to get out of it
> rather than click-off with the right mouse button. Would be possible to
> keep the default function as before and use a key to invoke the alternate version?

It should be working with right-click the same as other commands... Maybe you were right-clicking while still over the button itself? Right-click alias for "Done" works when you right-click over a viewport, not on the UI.

But I've tuned this up for the next beta so that you can also push the "hide" button again with either left or right click that point, as another way to show all objects.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
568.42 In reply to 568.41 
Hi Michael,

I guess I was still clicking on the button, not the viewport.. I'm still a little confused, seems that it forces you to do an invert hide
before you can get out of the command, which isn't typical of a hide button
The other thing I noticed is that if you open a file that has hidden objects and go right to the hide button to unhide them and then you double click in the viewport,
you get the close dialog box, to save changes, discard changes or cancel. Is it normal? Maybe I've messed something up in my ini's quite possible!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.43 In reply to 568.42 
> I'm still a little confused, seems that it forces you to do an invert
> hide before you can get out of the command, which isn't typical of a hide button

The invert is just temporary - it lets you specify what objects you want to show.

So for instance if you have a large quantity of objects hidden but only want to show 2 of them, the old way was pretty painful, you had to show everything and then re-hide the other objects again.

So the new way does a temporary invert that shows you which objects were hidden, and if you pick some of those and push "done" (or right-click or enter), just those that you selected will be shown. But if you want to show them all, push "done" without selecting anything and all hidden objects will be shown.

I realize that this adds some complexity to the hide command, and I was hesitant at first to make this change. However I decided it would be best in the long term to do it, because it ends up being just one additional click to get the old behavior of showing everything, and it provides pretty significant flexibility for more complex cases where there are more numerous hidden objects.

Let me know if it still seems weird after you have used it a little bit more. If it does then I will make an option so that you can revert it back to the "just always show everything" behavior.

> and then you double click in the viewport, you get the close dialog box, to save
> changes, discard changes or cancel. Is it normal?

It's normal - MoI doesn't really use double-clicks very much, what you did there was interpreted as 2 clicks.

The first right-click was the same as pushing "done" - this caused the hide command to exit and show all objects.

Then the second right-click happened while outside of a command - this is used to repeat the last command which in your case was "open". Part of the open command is to prompt for saving if any changes have been made...

If you want to show everything, just do a single right-click, not a double one.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
568.44 In reply to 568.43 
Hi Michael,

Hi Michael,

Thanks.... As long as there's a logical explanation for the way things work,
I can get used to them. :-) I don't need the old version of the hide button,
but thanks for offering. Usually, I just need to hide all the surfaces so I can see curves...
isn't there's a script for that? I'll have to install it again.

I don't mean to be a pain, but but I've observed another thing that seems unexpected to me,
but for all I know, it's probably logical and the way it's supposed to work.
I wouldn't do it intentionally, but if I use the copy and paste edit tool
and then use the hide tool, paste repeats with a click in the viewport and will not
cancel until a command other than hide is used.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.45 In reply to 568.44 
Hi Jesse,

> Usually, I just need to hide all the surfaces so I can see curves...
> isn't there's a script for that? I'll have to install it again.

The following will set up a script so that pushing H will hide all surfaces:

[Shortcut Keys]
H=script:moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps().setProperty( 'hidden', true );

> I wouldn't do it intentionally, but if I use the copy and paste edit tool
> and then use the hide tool, paste repeats with a click in the viewport and will not
> cancel until a command other than hide is used.

It's not a pain at all, I'm very interested to know things that don't seem to be working as you'd expect.

I can't quite follow your steps though - I tried drawing a circle, selecting it, then copy, then paste, then hide. Then after that right-click repeats pasting new objects. I'm not in a command at that point so there isn't anything to cancel.

Could you please go over the steps that cause the problem?

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
568.46 In reply to 568.45 

Hi Michael.

Thanks for the script. I also put paste in as a non-repeatable command.

What I find unexpected is that paste continues to paste on a right click after hide has been used...not knowing too much about UI conventions
I considered hide to be a command, so from my perspective, hide should cancel paste.
Copy, paste and hide are different that the other edit tools and other tools in general because they only change the number of objects or the visibility of them.
I understand that hide isn't the same as a command that changes the geometry of an object, so it does make sense in a way.
Would you say that hide, copy, paste aren't considered regular *commands*, but are instead, another sort of tool or feature?
History seems to be in a category of it's own, so I can see that copy and paste could be as well.
Thanks for the script. I also put copy and paste in as a non-repeating command. :-) so I guess it's just a matter of personal preference.


EDITED: 30 Apr 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.47 In reply to 568.46 
Ok, I follow what you mean now.

Yes, hide is not technically a "real command", it's more like an inline script macro. This is to allow for the ability to hide or show something while you are already running in the middle of some other command.

Someday I should be able to fix things up so that it behaves as you'd expect anyway despite this technical distinction. But it will be a little while before I can get to that.

Actually copy and paste are regular commands. The only ones that aren't are some other things that are also set up so that they can be used while inside some already running command: Edit/Hide, View/Reset All, Select All, Deselect All and Invert.

So currently as a side effect of that none of those particular ones will repeat with a right mouse click.

It's not especially intentional, it's just a slight bug due to the way things work right now.

Also undo, redo, and delete are set by default to not repeat in the .ini file under
NonRepeatingCommands=delete undo redo

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
568.48 In reply to 568.47 
Hi Michael,

I appreciate the explanation about inline script macros. I learned a little more about how scripting works
and it motivated me to set up a few keyboard shortcuts for hiding and unhiding curves and surfaces,
something I hadn't bothered to do before.
The repeating paste thing isn't really a big deal, I just didn't understand why it was happening.


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