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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

I don't remember :(
Does exit a shortcut for the button Front, Top etc...

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.21 In reply to 568.20 
Hi Pilou,

> Does exit a shortcut for the button Front, Top etc...

The most popular one seems to be to have just one shortcut that will maximize the viewport that the mouse is currently over, or switch back to split mode if already maximized. That can be done with script:

Space=script:if ( moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode != 'split' ) { moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'split' } else { var viewport = moi.ui.getViewportUnderMouse(); if ( viewport ) { viewport.viewPanel.mode = } }

It is also possible to set up one key for each particular mode if you wish, the following will set up the function keys F4, F5, F6, F7 to be Split, 3D, Top, Front, and Right respectively.

F4=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'split';
F5=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = '3D';
F6=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'Top';
F7=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'Front';
F8=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'Right';

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
568.22 In reply to 568.21 
Thx a lot!
It's not for me, I am "old school" and prefer click on buttons :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Tim (BLADEST)
Hi Michael,
yes it is OK now , I copied from your original link. I think maybe the file in the collected list of scripts is wrong , sorry to cause confusion, not your fault,

regards Tim.
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)

Spanish translation available here

Changes translation will come soon in spanish´s too late! :-)

EDITED: 28 Apr 2007 by DAVID


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
568.25 In reply to 568.1 

From Steph
At the first view "normal's problem" & 90° seems works! :)
More infos the 3/4 05 2007 :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.26 In reply to 568.25 
Hi Pilou, that's great!

- Michael
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
Fantastic! Text and helix tool! And I just tried out the curver projection, it rocks hard!
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 From:  eddi
568.28 In reply to 568.13 
Hi Michael

ScaleArray,FullScreen work fine, operated was my error (Pardon)

Problem with letters "aswz" only with shell-command

New Problems:

Offset-command---> Freeform curve, other point interpolation, a lot of kontrol points (image)
Blend-command----> Four like pages, three different results (image)

Best regards

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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.29 In reply to 568.28 
Hi Ede - yes generally the offsets will have a lot of points. I'll take a look and see if I can tune this up a little bit, there is something that I can try. But in general you can expect that the offset will be heavier than the original curve.

re: Blending - Blending is really intended to be used on an edge that is "open" - that is not attached to anything.

It will work on a joined edge, but it is pretty random which surface it will decide to take.

So to get more controllable results, select and delete that inside face before you do the blend.

Thanks for your bug reports!

- Michael
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 From:  nacho65 (JUANGALVAN)
Hi Michael:

Very good idea to add fonts to MOI

Best regards

Juan Galvan
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 From:  Tim (BLADEST)
Hi Michael,
I have been playing around with a Celtic Knotwork Font, I am having trouble with filleting edges, why will some sections not fillet? I am attaching the file.
regards Tim.

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 From:  Jesse
568.32 In reply to 568.1 
Hi Michael,

I'm getting a weird display thing happening with these objects in the 3D viewport.
When I move one of them in the Z axis, it moves in the opposite direction in the 3D view port. I've tried re-setting the view ports... it still happens if I close the file and reopen it.


EDITED: 29 Apr 2007 by JESSE


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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.33 In reply to 568.32 
Hi Jesse - normally that would mean that you've rotated around a bit too much over the top and you're sort of flipped upside down.

If that's it, you need to either rotate your view again over the top and flip over to be right-side up, or another thing you can do is hide everything and then do a reset.

If everything is hidden, then reset will go back to the very original default view. Normally doing reset will not alter your view angle but instead zoom out to fit to objects from that same angle.

If neither of those helps, please post the file so I can check it out.

- Michael
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 From:  hep
WOW - and i just wonder how you made it Jesse
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 From:  Michael Gibson
568.35 In reply to 568.31 
Hi Tim,

> I am having trouble with filleting edges, why will some sections not fillet?

It looks like the problem pieces are ones with thinner sort of slivery pieces, like the top of this one here:

Compressed and small thin areas (also things with approaching shared tangents like this) tend to be a difficult area of calculation.

It will probably be a while before stuff like this gets much better.

In this case, you can get fillets on most parts of the object if you select all edges except for the top 3:

It is also possible to construct the fillets in a much more "manual" way, by separating the parts into surfaces and then working on things at a more kind of low-level individual surface level, constructing fillet surfaces and trimming the other surfaces to create holes, and then joining together the final results. That tends to be pretty difficult and time consuming though.

Some other CAD programs like SolidWorks do have a more powerful fillet engine on them, if you need to do a lot of somewhat more complex fillets like this, you may need something like that.

- Michael

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 From:  Tim (BLADEST)
Thanks Michael,
I will see if I can avoid these corners,
regards Tim.
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 From:  Jesse
568.37 In reply to 568.33 
Hi Michael,

Yep, that was it...It was flipped over.

I have a question; The new Hide button it seems to go against the convention of the other buttons because you
have to use to the Enter key to get out of it rather than click-off with the right mouse button. Would be possible to
keep the default function as before and use a key to invoke the alternate version?


Hep, the braid segment is made with a two rail sweep and a scale rail. In preparation before doing the sweep and arraying the object around the ring circle,
I projected the base rail curves to a cylinder that was extruded from the finger circle so that the bottom surface of the object
would conform to the curvature of the circle.

EDITED: 30 Apr 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  B-W-Design
568.38 In reply to 568.15 
> Alltough I was also kind of hoping for support for the 3dconnexion navigation
> devices [I am known for my impatience, but I am working on it :) ].

It won't be much longer, they are having a seminar on how their SDK works on next Thursday, so I will probably watch that and start working on it then.

- Michael

Oh yes! That would be amazing!!!!
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 From:  Jesse
568.39 In reply to 568.38 
I was wondering..... with that device, the basic one that looks like a doorknob,
can you do mouse clicks with it, or is only for rotating, zooming and panning?

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