MoI doesn't want to open
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5662.2 In reply to 5662.1 
Hi ed, this is the first I've heard of a problem like this so I have no idea at all what might be happening right now.

Can you please generate a system report after you try to run it (something like this: and e-mail that to me at ? Maybe that will have some kind of debug information from Wineskin.

Also check your \tmp folder to make sure that there are not any odd permissions set on it, if your permissions have become messed up that can potentially cause weird problems.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5662.3 In reply to 5662.1 
Your /tmp permissions should look like this if they are at their defaults:

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Thank you, right now I'm not at home but when I reach my laptop I'll verify what you suggested!
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Here are the files! the part I think can be useful is here:

2013-01-21 20:48:43 -0600 Wineskin[2216]: Starting specified executable in Wine
2013-01-21 20:48:44 -0600 Wineskin[2185]: Wrapper Bundle running on PID 2200
2013-01-21 20:48:44 -0600 Wineskin[2185]: WineskinX11 running on PID 2214
2013-01-21 20:48:44 -0600 Wineskin[2185]: Fixing user folders in Drive C to current user
2013-01-21 20:48:48 -0600 quartz-wm[2268]: can't open default display
2013-01-21 20:48:48 -0600 Wineskin[2185]: Starting specified executable in Wine

Image Attachments:
Size: 50.6 KB, Downloaded: 19 times, Dimensions: 580x377px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5662.6 In reply to 5662.5 
Hi ed, thanks for posting that. Your /tmp permissions look fine.

The entry in the log: "quartz-wm[2268]: can't open default display" looks like it could be the problem - I don't think that is supposed to happen on a normal run.

Have you possibly set the desktop screen resolution in any unusual way?

Can you try installing the regular XQuartz latest version from here: - does the regular XQuartz seem to launch ok for you? If it does, then try setting MoI to use the system XQuartz and see if that helps anything. You can reach the setting for that by right-clicking on the MoI .app and pick "Show package contents". Then inside there run, and click the "Advanced" button and go to the "Options" tab, and then the settings to mess with are the bottom 2 checkboxes on that page - uncheck the "use wrapper's quartz-wm" one and check the "use system Xquartz" and see if that makes any difference.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Thanks Michael, using XQuartz indeed helped!
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
I'm trying to insert an 7086 × 4922 image but nothing is displayed on the viewport. I dont't know if its because I just have changed to XQuartz or because the resolution.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5662.9 In reply to 5662.7 
Hi Ed, that's great news that you're up and running with the latest XQuartz - somehow the version built into MoI is running into some kind of bug on your system, I'm not sure what though. The XQuartz in Moi v2.52 is not far off from the current version...

> I'm trying to insert an 7086 × 4922 image but nothing is displayed on the viewport.
> I dont't know if its because I just have changed to XQuartz or because the resolution.

It's most likely because of the high image resolution - an image that large is going to require 133MB all in one single chunk for the image data, and having so much as a single texture is probably too much for the video card to handle.

I'd recommend resizing it down to not more than around 2048 pixels in either dimension, that should likely help.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Thank you!
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