Moi3D and Linux (WINE)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
565.3 In reply to 565.2 
I would be very surprised if it runs - right now MoI uses several different Windows subsystems that are pretty complex, such as Direct3D, mshtml.dll, and COM interprocess marshaling.

MoI won't run unless there is a very high quality emulation provided for every one of these complex systems. I think that WINE is more complete in the emulation of just the basic core Win32 API - I doubt that they emulate mshtml.dll very well for example.

I guess anything is possible, but I wouldn't get your hopes up...

- Michael
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565.4 In reply to 565.3 
Okay I didn't realize that. I thought it was all OpenGL, which gave me high hopes for it running under Linux.
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