Squircle script
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 From:  James (JFH)
5616.34 In reply to 5616.32 


Thank you for your work on Squircle node.
I believe your efforts to learn how to encapsulate your various scripts into nodes
will inevitably make they adoption more widespread.

As far as Squircle node goes, I think it would value from a "centre" input as per other shape nodes
so that it may dynamically positioned. Also the addition of multiprocessing is a vast improvement,
but it does not presently operate over multiple instantiations.

To get a better sense of my meaning, please have a look at attached NOD file.
Whereas the star ratios range across the array, the sqFactor applies similarly to each instance.
Hope this helps!

Keep up the good work

EDITED: 19 Feb 2022 by JFH


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 From:  bemfarmer
5616.35 In reply to 5616.34 
Thank you James.
Will study more tomorrow.

Most of the Object nodes have a Factory which handles Frames. So their examples only help partially.

"null" is used with Center input, for unspecified center. Each center frame comes from the pointarray inputs to Center.
var frame = center.getFrame();

Solids / polyhedron shows more about Frames.

infonodes by Karsten, (Infos/showFrame), shows how to add the frame to the x, y, z points of the curve factory,
which will need to be added to the two helper functions Polar2Cartesian() and eval_rho().
zValue input is no longer needed. z will come from the Center input.

- Brian

EDITED: 20 Feb 2022 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  bemfarmer
5616.36 In reply to 5616.35 
MOD3 version. With center.

Maybe zvalue should be restored?

- Brian

EDITED: 20 Feb 2022 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  James (JFH)
5616.37 In reply to 5616.36 
Great Work Brian,

It works perfectly now!
The only thing I would say is that a sqfactor range (0,1) might be more intuitive than the present minimum of 0.001
below which the curve disappears. This may simply be a line of code equating any variable value < 0.001 with 0.001
Anyway that's a small thing. The node works brilliantly as is.



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 From:  bemfarmer
5616.38 In reply to 5616.37 
Thank you James.

Managed to get rid of the vanishing squircle for sqfactor = 0.

Was not able to reproduce your .nod. Some of my settings must be incorrect.

- Brian

(Updated version of squircle_FG is in post 44.)

EDITED: 20 Feb 2022 by BEMFARMER

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Message 5616.39 deleted 20 Feb 2022 by JFH

 From:  James (JFH)
5616.40 In reply to 5616.38 
Thanks Brian,

I don't know if this is only happening for me, but "centre" input remaining in the code
it has disappeared from the node.

Any thoughts?

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 From:  bemfarmer
5616.41 In reply to 5616.40 
Hi James,

The "final" version has an underscore before the FG. Namely: Squircle_FG.
"final" in double quotes, meaning the latest so far.

For me, version control is challenging.
I have 8 versions in my curves2 menu in the nodeeditor.

Also, I believe that loading a previously saved node program often loads an old version of the (node).js,
which needs to have the squircleXXX(old) version removed from the node program, and the
squircleXXX(new) version wired back in. (And newest node program re-saved...)

Ocasionally, sometimes it seems like notepad++ does weird things, or I made a mistake...

Also if the newer squircle version does not have the proper matching squircle name updated here:
LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Curves2/squircle_FG", squircle_FG);
then the node shows up in the curves2 menu as an older name...

- Brian

I did get your 5 by 5 squircle grid, but my settings for reRange and/or upstream was not set properly (I guess.)
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 From:  bemfarmer
5616.42 In reply to 5616.40 
Hi James,
With your 5 by 5 grid:
In the info window for squircle_FG, both radius of 1, and radval of 10 are showing up.
Maybe radval should be changed to radius, throughout the node???

- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
5616.43 In reply to 5616.42 
Maybe radval should be changed to radius, throughout the node???
Yes that would be better.
For me, version control is challenging. I have 8 versions in my curves2 menu in the nodeeditor.
My "curves" menu has so many deprecated nodes that it runs off the bottom of the screen, so I had not seen "squirrel_FG"

Thanks for your help
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 From:  bemfarmer
5616.44 In reply to 5616.43 
Thank you James.

Latest version of squircle_FG.js:
The only change is that the variable radval is now changed to input variable radius, throughout the node.
This was done because radval was showing up in the Info panel, in addition to radius.
(radval = radius, so radval is not needed.)

I did not change the name, so suggest replacing old squircle_FG with this newly modified one, for the 5 people who recently downloaded the former version.

- Brian

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