New user - Space Navigator request and mac launch oddness.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5574.4 In reply to 5574.3 
Hi ken, I'm glad that the opening problem is gone for now at least, let me know if it starts to reoccur on a regular basis, especially if you notice any particular pattern like it starts to happen after running some other particular app or something like that. If there's any way I can repeat the problem over here it makes it a lot easier to try and fix it too.

re: Space Navigator option - actually now that I look into it, I think you should be able to get what you want by a setting that's already available in the moi.ini file which I had totally forgotten was in there.

To edit moi.ini go to Options > General and push the button near the bottom of the dialog that says "Edit .ini file". MoI will exit and then the .ini file (which is just a text file) should come up in Find the section that starts with [3Dconnexion] and then the setting you want is:


Edit that to say =y like this:


Then exit TextEdit. With that set to =y it will additionally reverse the zoom behavior just for the 3D view. So what you would want to do is set the regular zoom reverse checkbox in the UI (in those 3Dconnexion settings we were talking about earlier) so that you've got the ortho view behavior how you want it, and then with that moi.ini flag set to Reverse3DViewZoom=y it will reverse the 3D view behavior on top of that which I think should get you what you are looking for.

Please let me know if that does not do what you wanted. I was just looking into adding that option for you when I saw that it was actually already there, just accessible only in moi.ini instead of set up in the UI.

- Michael


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 From:  mushycraft
5574.5 In reply to 5574.4 
Thanks for the quick reply, it's not quite it though. I guess I'd want something like Swap3DPanAndZoom. Actually, the Swap Pan and Zoom option in the UI is exactly what I want, toggled off the ortho views work as I'd like, toggled on the 3D view does.

I just remembered that I had been playing with the v3 beta, perhaps that led to the problems with v2.52? I'll see if I can get something repeatable.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5574.6 In reply to 5574.5 
Hi ken, I see - so you want not just different zoom direction but to actually have a different type of motion on the controller to have different results in different views.... I don't believe that anyone has previously asked for something like that so I don't think there is any existing option set up for it. I'll see about adding in one for the next v3 beta.

> I just remembered that I had been playing with the v3 beta, perhaps that led to the
> problems with v2.52? I'll see if I can get something repeatable.

Normally it shouldn't but if I forgot to give each of them a unique Mac bundle id, it is possible for the OSX system launchd mechanism to get kind of confused between them, it's an area of the OSX operating system that's kind of delicate.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5574.7 In reply to 5574.5 
Hi ken, so for the next v3 beta I've added a new setting in moi.ini which should hopefully cover what you want. It will be:


I'm not exactly sure yet when the next v3 beta will be out, maybe a couple more weeks yet.

- Michael
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 From:  mushycraft
5574.8 In reply to 5574.7 
Thanks Michael, that'll be fantastic.
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