a few general question
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 From:  shane (SHANE_W)
5570.4 In reply to 5570.3 
Thanks Pilou & Michael.

1. I'll take a look at this. I know I can assign a right click to one on the function buttons on my Walcom. I am just trying to keep everything standard between all of the applications I use on a daily basis.

2. I figured most of that out with the exception of only needing to click in the coordinate box. That will speed it up a bit. Seems like extra steps but maybe it won't be a problem when I get used to the workflow.

3. Clicking twice is exactly what I am doing. I know it is operator error but in my case I don't need the tools to fold up so I though I would disable the behavior if possible.

4. Easy enough.

Thanks for the help,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5570.5 In reply to 5570.4 
Hi Shane,

> 3. Clicking twice is exactly what I am doing. I know it is operator error but in my case I don't
> need the tools to fold up so I though I would disable the behavior if possible.

There is no bundled up checkbox-style option for disabling that, but much of the UI is implemented by HTML files that can actually be edited, and it is possible to modify the UI files to disable this behavior.

To do that you'll need to go into the \ui sub-folder inside of MoI's installation and edit the file SidePane.htm - if you're on a Mac then to get to the ui sub-folder, right-click on the MoI .app file and pick "Show package contents" on the menu that pops up, and then inside of there go to drive_c/moi/ui , you'll then want to edit the file SidePane.htm in a text editor, TextEdit.app should work I think.

The line you want to modify is (in the current v3 beta) the 15th line of the file which is the one that says "autodeactivate:true", which I've marked with >>>> <<<< here:

            moi\:PaletteHeader > moi\:TabContainer {
>>>>>>>>>>>>    autodeactivate:true;   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Either delete that line or set it to say autodeactivate:false; instead. Then with that edited, the next time you launch it the behavior of collapsing a panel by a second click on an already active palette header tab will just do nothing instead of the previous collapsing behavior.

You'll need to repeat this edit on any new versions of MoI that you install like each new beta release, so I'd recommend saving this information off in a text file somewhere so you can repeat these steps later on if you need to.

Hope this helps!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5570.6 In reply to 5570.4 
Hi shane, also re: this part

> 2. I figured most of that out with the exception of only needing to click in the coordinate box.
> That will speed it up a bit. Seems like extra steps but maybe it won't be a problem when I
> get used to the workflow.

I think that I'm also going to be setting things up so that pressing Ctrl+tab will always put focus into the x,y,z control area so that will probably help to streamline this kind of numeric input a bit more.

I'll try to set that up for the next v3 beta.

- Michael
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 From:  shane (SHANE_W)
5570.7 In reply to 5570.6 
Hi Michael, thanks so much for your suggestions and code snippet. I'll give it a shot. Also Ctrl+Tab to focus on the coordinate box sounds like a good option to speedup workflow.


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