Podcast interview about MoI and programming
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 From:  BurrMan
5543.2 In reply to 5543.1 
Thanks Michael. I really appreciate the interviews with you I've read (and heard).....
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Thanks Michael, enjoyed the interview!

Nice to see a little publicity for MoI.

It was like taking a virtual tour of the "factory". ;-)
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
Dude you got a rabbit I'm so jealous !

But I guess my cat would kill it :/

It's good to hear your voice ! It makes the software more "human" I think :)

Is there a picture of you somewhere (with your rabbit ?)
shapenoid.com stojan-voumard.com
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
5543.5 In reply to 5543.4 
Great interview, i enjoyed it as well!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
No Videos ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5543.7 In reply to 5543.6 
Hi Pilou,

> No Videos ?

Nope, it's a podcast, and meant to be listened to during a morning work commute. Watching videos while driving is not so good... ;)

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5543.9 In reply to 5543.4 
Hi DesuDeus,

> Is there a picture of you somewhere (with your rabbit ?)

Here you go:

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Funny following the white rabbit ! :)

Llamas will be jealous!
CTRL + SHIFT + Click on the Options Icon ;)

EDITED: 12 Nov 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
5543.11 In reply to 5543.9 
lol.... You'll have to put an old computer on the floor in her area, so you can test MoI on a computer "Full of hair (hare)" for load handeling.... :o I like pic 1!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5543.12 In reply to 5543.11 
You would not believe how much hair comes off of her when she's shedding. One time we pulled off such an enormous pile of it all at once that later on when the neighbors happened to see it they thought a dog must have ripped her into shreds at that spot!

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5543.13 In reply to 5543.12 
Start a hairball... You could be famous!!!
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
5543.14 In reply to 5543.13 
Nice interview!

As a bassist, I approve of the cool slides in the intro.

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 From:  SurlyBird
That was a really good interview. Very comprehensive -- technical but not too over my head. Glad you had the chance to articulate what makes MoI so unique and special, Michael! Congratulations!
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5543.16 In reply to 5543.1 
Enjoyed the interview very much Michael, picked up some things I didn't know about the MoI journey as well.

I did notice Scott is well in tune with the latest Internet 3d 'trends' and asked the relevant questions, times have changed, we have 3d modelling pushed to the general public these days and told how easy it is and how easy it is to get a part out of plastic, ceramics or even metals from that 3d model, but they're not really told about the learning curve involved, not only in using the software also the visualisation in working in 3d space for a non technical person and the geometry requirements for 3d printing, then receiving the plastic printed model expecting the finish and integrity of an injection moulded part and being disappointed, it's funny how the finish and integrity of 3d printed parts isn't really described and explained on consumer 3d printing sites, I guess if you said 'The surface finish is crappy and it could break' you wouldn't get many orders.
It's amazing how 3d printing just five years ago was just for prototyping in the manufacturing world and how it's been around for decades along with CAD applications that supported the data for it and now it's made out to be new technology to the general public, that's marketing for you.

Sorry for the rant Michael, it was a cool interview and it was good to hear a voice behind MoI :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5543.17 In reply to 5543.16 
Hi Danny, well I definitely agree with you - it is definitely easy for 3d printing to get over hyped.

I guess it's like a lot of things in that it's difficult to convey all the problems and tricky areas in some kind of informative news article.

> not only in using the software also the visualisation in working in 3d space for a non
> technical person and the geometry requirements for 3d printing

Yup, the learning curve involved with just getting comfortable with 3d spatial relationships is easily underestimated.

One thing that can help with that is by being able to get a lot of stuff done by working in 2D instead, which is an area that NURBS modeling techniques are good at utilizing as compared to say polygon sub-d modeling where you have to work with a big bunch of 3D points all the time.

But yeah there's still a learning curve involved. I mean there's a huge learning curve involved in learning how to draw well with a pen or pencil, and those are supremely "easy to use" - just pick it up and drag it on paper.

There's sort of a wave of efforts at making 3D modeling easier to use by focusing primarily on just assembling predefined kits of object pieces, and then trying to provide a wide variety of those kits. The new release of Autodesk 123D is kind of like that, and Tinkercad too. But this approach tends to limit what you can do a lot. A lot of times there is a balance like that, the more that what you can do is limited and heavily guided it makes things easier to do but also you get less freedom with what you are able to do as well.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
Yeah so we say Mo - i ... glad to finaly ear the pronunciation :)

Nice interview too !

I hope that hard surface modeler guy in the game industy will one day understand the power of your wonderfull software.
I hardly try to understand why they dont make the jump, but it seems that something scares them, I cant explain.

In the other hand they are amazed by zbrush hard surfacing tools ... go figure :(
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5543.19 In reply to 5543.18 
Hi PaQ,

> I hardly try to understand why they dont make the jump, but it seems
> that something scares them, I cant explain.

Probably just that some people are more resistant to change or to trying things outside their current zone of experience... And that can be understandable, I mean it is a pretty different style of modeling that does need new skills to be developed.

Also NURBS kind of has a "bad reputation" in CGI circles just in general because of several reasons - a long time ago it used to be the standard method for doing any kind of smooth surfaces at all, including faces and characters but sub-d modeling has replaced it for those kinds of tasks, and when that happened a lot of people in that particular industry seemed to take that to mean that "NURBS are obsolete" when in other industries like stuff involving manufacturing they were never obsolete. Also the NURBS toolsets in many of the long existing animation packages like 3DS Max, Softimage, etc... are very old and don't really give a very good example the strong points of NURBS, so that helps to perpetuate that obsolete idea.

It can be amazing for me to see the amount of struggling people will go through trying to model something with circular holes in it using sub-d modeling... I think I remember one thread over on the Modo forum where you told someone that the thing they were struggling with would only take 20 seconds to do in MoI and they didn't seem to totally believe you and asked you to post a video and I think it was literally 20 seconds in your video, not "time lapse" or sped up like those zbrush demo videos always are...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5543.20 In reply to 5543.19 
And I remember my funny challenge against PaQ with Moi / Sketchup!
I lost by 20 Second difference! :) (but not use plugin :)
22 / 44

That was here!
http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=1978.1 message 73 for the PAQ video

EDITED: 16 Nov 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
5543.21 In reply to 5543.20 
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