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 From:  blowlamp

When I draw a new part (say a circle), there's usually the opportunity to click in the dimension box and use the pop-up calculator to enter the measurement I want, but I've noticed the calculator option isn't there when I later go to edit that circle.

It's just sometimes so hard to drag my hand off the mouse and onto the keypad, I was wondering, why the difference? :)

Martin (2).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.88 In reply to 5524.87 
Hi Martin,

> It's just sometimes so hard to drag my hand off the mouse and onto the keypad,
> I was wondering, why the difference? :)

Some information on that here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=2598.13

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
A little request, hopefully easy to do> undo inside copy, like when you are drawing a curve and you misplace a point, you can undo and just the last point is removed. Thanks!
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 From:  blowlamp
5524.90 In reply to 5524.89 

I think you can do that (in beta v3) by clicking on an item again to deselect it - is that what you mean?

Martin (2).
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Message 5524.91 deleted 23 Nov 2012 by PILOU

 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
thanks blowlamp, but i mean that while you are using the copy command and you misplace a copy you cannot press ctrl+z and keep copying.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.93 In reply to 5524.89 
Hi ed,

> A little request, hopefully easy to do> undo inside copy, like when you are drawing a curve
> and you misplace a point, you can undo and just the last point is removed. Thanks!

I've added this for the next v3 beta. Also you can update your current version to have it by copying the attached Copy.js file over top of the previous version inside the \commands sub-folder.

With that in place, you can then hit undo while you are still inside the copy command and it will remove the last placed copy.

- Michael

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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Great!! Thanks Michael!
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 From:  andrewsimper
Thanks very much for adding the thin antialiasing option and supporting the line width!

I use MOI3D for user interface design and it was really hard to judge the size of text and knobs and buttons with the cartoon like heavy borders, this will make it much easier for me to preview the size of everything and do screenshot printouts to scribble on and cogitate over.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.96 In reply to 5524.95 
You're welcome Andrew - I'm glad that it will be useful for you!

- Michael
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 From:  blowlamp
Hi Michael.

I just came across this anomaly by accident.

Select one curve and apply the Join tool - obviously nothing happens, except the edit frame remains on screen (and selectable), until another item is selected. You can even draw more curves etc., without it clearing.

Martin (2).
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5524.98 In reply to 5524.97 
Confirmed here too, V2 and 3.

Not that you'd ever preform such a thing on purpose.....great stumble upon Martin :) would prefer to come across something else by accident though...........a genie maybe ;)

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 From:  blowlamp
5524.99 In reply to 5524.98 
Hi Danny.

I may have stumbled upon something else too. :)

Hi Michael.

I think I might be getting an unnecessary scroll bar appearing on the right hand side of the screen and it seems to be slightly corrupting the layout there, as well as making things jump about a bit.

An easy way to reproduce the effect is to have a full screen display, but with the Windows task bar showing. Then select a solid, followed by picking the Chamfer tool. When I select Use 2 distances in the Chamfer tool, I get the scroll bar displayed as per the picture and some distortion of the layout.

Clicking on MoI's chevron to give the largest screen size, removes the scroll bar and restores the correct layout for Distance 1: and Distance 2:.

Further toggling of the chevron seems to cause the toolbar area to increase and decrease in width, but doesn't seem to either alter the layout or cause the scroll bar to reappear.

Martin (2).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.100 In reply to 5524.97 
Hi Martin,

> Select one curve and apply the Join tool - obviously nothing happens, except the edit frame
> remains on screen (and selectable), until another item is selected. You can even draw more
> curves etc., without it clearing.

Thanks for reporting this bug - I've got it fixed up now and the fix will be in the next v3 beta release.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.101 In reply to 5524.99 
Hi Martin,

> I think I might be getting an unnecessary scroll bar appearing on the right hand side
> of the screen and it seems to be slightly corrupting the layout there, as well as making
> things jump about a bit.

I think this is due to some unwanted word wrapping happening, it's difficult for me to reproduce over here since it's dependent on your particular font, font size and screen size.

Can you please try using the attached update to the chamfer command and see if it behaves any better with that in place? Just copy the attached Chamfer.htm file over the previous version inside of the \commands sub-folder inside of MoI's main installation folder.

- Michael

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 From:  blowlamp
5524.102 In reply to 5524.101 

I think you've cracked it with that - it works perfectly in Chamfer now and is much, much nicer on the eye!

In between times, I've found that the Array tools are acting in exactly the same way and give a pronounced judder to the screen as I switch between each array tool. The right hand side of the screen sort of shuffles about as it updates itself to make way for the scroll bar and the Curve (array) tool moves down a line too - I'm pretty sure this was a significant part of the effect I was experiencing when I asked you about changes to the toolbar area a little while ago.

Could you do a similar fix here by any chance please?

Thanks very much for sorting this out!

Martin (2).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.103 In reply to 5524.102 
Hi Martin, I'm glad that the chamfer UI is behaving better for you with that update in place!

> Could you do a similar fix here by any chance please?

Right now I'm not sure which specific piece of UI needs tuning up, I'll need some more information in order to know where I should apply a tune up.

Can you maybe post a screenshot showing what things look like when the scroll bar is showing?

One thing to note is that it's totally normal for a scroll bar to show if you simply have more UI needing to be displayed than will fit within the given area. If that's what you are running into then it's possible that there may be nothing to be done to tune it up, you would need to slightly decrease the UI font size or switch the scene browser to be in the other "Adjacent" mode where it is a separate panel rather than the "inside" mode where it occupies space at the bottom of the side pane, or get a higher resolution display that just has more space on the screen.

Right now it sort of looks like you're very close to having the entire side pane UI all completely filled up - switching the scene browser to the "adjacent" mode would likely help with that quite a bit.

But if I can see what particular piece of UI is misbehaving with word wrap in a screenshot from you there is a chance that I could fix it up - again those things are dependent on your particular UI size and what fonts MoI is using on your system so I do not see the same behavior you are describing over here and so more details about what you are seeing would be helpful.

- Michael
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 From:  blowlamp
5524.104 In reply to 5524.103 
Hi Michael.

I've just come across Steps Recorder in Windows 8, so I've tried to use it to show the situation as it is for me.

There are 15(!) screenshots in the attached .zip file which are apparently viewable in any browser, so you can see how the scroll bar comes and goes, depending on which array icon is chosen and whether MoI is in full screen or super-full screen mode.

Just to be a bit clearer, when in super-full screen mode, the scroll bar never seems to show and there is no fidgeting of the display.

If I try to grab the scroll bar, it disappears and all the array icons arrange themselves back onto one line, but notice the large white area to the right of the Curve icon.

My MoI UI size setting is 13 and Arial seems to be the font that MoI defaults to for its Draw solid Text tool, so is this also the one it's using for its interface?

If I can, I'd like to keep the Scene browser where it is, so as to conserve space for drawing, but if this turns out to be impractical I'll experiment with other the options.

Thanks again for checking this out.

Martin (2).

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.105 In reply to 5524.104 
Hi Martin, thanks for posting the additional information.

Can you please try the attached update file Arrays.htm, this one also goes in place of the previous version in the \commands sub-folder.

Hopefully it may help with this problem.

> My MoI UI size setting is 13 and Arial seems to be the font that MoI defaults
> to for its Draw solid Text tool, so is this also the one it's using for its interface?

It initially tries to look for the font Century Gothic, but if that is not available on your system it will use Arial instead.

But the behavior that you are showing there is system-specific because it's related to running out of vertical space at some point in the display update, and then something like a vertical scroll bar gets triggered when I'm not wanting it yet (it may be a WebKit bug), taking away a little bit of horizontal space from the available UI area, thus triggering word wrap and then requiring additional vertical space. These particular conditions about when you run out of vertical space at one particular time during a UI update is dependent on various things like the font that's used, the window size or your screen resolution size, your MoI UI size, and your system DPI size, and also whether you've set the scene browser to "inside" mode like you have done.

It might be something that could be tuned up in the whole UI layout mechanism or it may be a WebKit bug, but unfortunately either of those are complex areas to deal with and it would be pretty easy to cause worse problems if I were to just fiddle around with it. But with certain UI areas I can fix it by disabling word wrap in strategic spots, the problem is that I cannot always just turn word wrap off entirely in every case because the UI can be run in numerous different languages, and some languages require a lot longer words than others, so often times word wrapping can be beneficial for localization.

The reason it does not happen for you when you trigger "full screen" mode (where MoI expands over the task bar), is that little bit of extra space takes your configuration out of where it's so close to running out of vertical space all the time.

So that's why another possible way for you to solve this particular issue would be to slightly reduce your UI size, or move the scene browser back to the default "adjacent" mode so that you would not always be right on the bubble of running out of vertical space.

Basically it probably wouldn't happen like that if you had either just a little bit more available space or just a little bit less available space, it's when you're at a particular size that has a lot of switching between enough and just not quite enough that is triggering that behavior.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.106 In reply to 5524.104 
Hi Martin, also:

> If I can, I'd like to keep the Scene browser where it is, so as to conserve space for drawing,
> but if this turns out to be impractical I'll experiment with other the options.

Really though the "inside" scene browser mode was designed to be used in cases where you've got a high resolution monitor and there was going to be a whole lot of empty space at the bottom of the side pane.

When you have the scene browser in the "Adjacent" mode where it's a separate panel you can still conserve space for drawing by collapsing that whole panel which happens when you click on the "Browser" button that will show up in the bottom of the side pane.

If you don't have a lot of screen space the scene browser just tends to work better as a separate full panel when you do need to use it, just hide it when you're done using it to reclaim the drawing space.

- Michael
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