Hi ed,
> but i found the thread where it was discussed earlier: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=4983.1
> If I find a way of pushing it to happen then ill let you know.
Sorry I hadn't remembered that previously.
From what you said there though it sounds like you may have some shortcut keys set up which are capturing certain keys for use as shortcuts rather than for use with numeric input.
If you want to use auto-focus numeric input, you should not set up any shortcut keys that use any of the following keys as the shortcut trigger: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - .
If you do set up any of those as a shortcut key then when you push that particular key MoI will see that you've set it up as a keyboard shortcut and will then trigger the shortcut instead of any of the regular keyboard processing happening.
Let me know if that's not the problem you were running into and what steps I can do to recreate the problem, so far I have not been able to reproduce any problem with the focus behavior over here, the steps with rectangle and extrude that you mentioned before did not cause any problem over here.
- Michael