Hi Martin, thanks for posting the additional information.
Can you please try the attached update file Arrays.htm, this one also goes in place of the previous version in the \commands sub-folder.
Hopefully it may help with this problem.
> My MoI UI size setting is 13 and Arial seems to be the font that MoI defaults
> to for its Draw solid Text tool, so is this also the one it's using for its interface?
It initially tries to look for the font Century Gothic, but if that is not available on your system it will use Arial instead.
But the behavior that you are showing there is system-specific because it's related to running out of vertical space at some point in the display update, and then something like a vertical scroll bar gets triggered when I'm not wanting it yet (it may be a WebKit bug), taking away a little bit of horizontal space from the available UI area, thus triggering word wrap and then requiring additional vertical space. These particular conditions about when you run out of vertical space at one particular time during a UI update is dependent on various things like the font that's used, the window size or your screen resolution size, your MoI UI size, and your system DPI size, and also whether you've set the scene browser to "inside" mode like you have done.
It might be something that could be tuned up in the whole UI layout mechanism or it may be a WebKit bug, but unfortunately either of those are complex areas to deal with and it would be pretty easy to cause worse problems if I were to just fiddle around with it. But with certain UI areas I can fix it by disabling word wrap in strategic spots, the problem is that I cannot always just turn word wrap off entirely in every case because the UI can be run in numerous different languages, and some languages require a lot longer words than others, so often times word wrapping can be beneficial for localization.
The reason it does not happen for you when you trigger "full screen" mode (where MoI expands over the task bar), is that little bit of extra space takes your configuration out of where it's so close to running out of vertical space all the time.
So that's why another possible way for you to solve this particular issue would be to slightly reduce your UI size, or move the scene browser back to the default "adjacent" mode so that you would not always be right on the bubble of running out of vertical space.
Basically it probably wouldn't happen like that if you had either just a little bit more available space or just a little bit less available space, it's when you're at a particular size that has a lot of switching between enough and just not quite enough that is triggering that behavior.
- Michael