Screenshot script
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5523.5 In reply to 5523.4 
<<Is it possible for MOI to save a thumbnail of the drawing on save so when opening, thumbnails show in the current folder rather than just the filenames>>

I agree !!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5523.6 In reply to 5523.3 
Hi DesuDeus,

> Is it possible to capture exactly the same ratio than what you see in the viewport ? This script
> is based on a fixed X and Y pixel dimension and depending on how you resize your MoI app
> it's not perfect
> Like if my viewport is 1200px by 600px I'd like to capture that size but two time the resolution
> (2400px by 1200px) or three time the resolution

Currently there's no way to do this because there isn't any method set up for a script to obtain the pixel width and height of the viewport.

But I've added viewport.pixelWidth and viewport.pixelheight properties in for the next v3 beta to make that possible then.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5523.7 In reply to 5523.4 
Hi shayne,

> Sorry Michael for not being clear
> yes I was meaning the drawing name at the top right say ring.3dm
> Is it possible to automaticaly save a screenshot as ring.jpg

Yup, here's a script that will do that:

script:var img = moi.view.screenshot( 'viewpanel', false ); var filename = moi.geometryDatabase.currentFileName; if ( filename != '' ) { filename.substring(0,filename.length-3) + 'jpg' ); }

Note that it will just overwrite any existing .jpg of that same name, and it will put it in the same folder as the 3DM file.

> On my V3 wishlist
> Is it possible for MOI to save a thumbnail of the drawing on save so when opening,
> thumbnails show in the current folder rather than just the filenames

It's been on the wishlist for a while, but unfortunately just saving the thumbnail itself is only one piece of the puzzle, I also have to write a couple of different "shell extension" in order to make it possible for the operating system to access the thumbnail as well, by default just storing a thumbnail somewhere inside of a file does not automatically make it visible all on its own.

There's enough fiddling around with doing those that it's been hard to prioritize that work so far.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
5523.8 In reply to 5523.6 
That would be awesome ! It would be so useful :)
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 From:  shayno
5523.9 In reply to 5523.7 
Yes we understand you are pretty busy , just a wish
thanks for the above script, at least now when I browse my working folder I can visually see what designs are in there
and open directly from there

Just used it , absolutely fantastic

As an alternative option can this script be run automatically on closing or saving a drawing to create the jpeg

The latest Beta works brilliantly, I think the filleting seems to work a lot better and it seems faster

Many thanks
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5523.10 In reply to 5523.9 
Hi shayne,

> As an alternative option can this script be run automatically on closing
> or saving a drawing to create the jpeg

There isn't really any way currently set up to run scripts at those times, but I guess you could modify the Save.js command script file inside the \commands sub-folder, and paste in that script at the end after the call to

But that method of saving using the Save command itself will only happen when you do a Ctrl+S or actually click the Save button, not if you close down MoI and save changes at exit time instead.

- Michael
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 From:  shayno
5523.11 In reply to 5523.10 
Now thats brilliant
That saves so many steps tacking it onto the save command
thanks Michael
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 From:  coi (MARCO)
Hi Michael!

Would it be possible to utilize rhinos thumbnailviewer

to display MOI thumbnails?

~ Marco
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5523.13 In reply to 5523.12 
Hi Marco,

> Would it be possible to utilize rhinos thumbnailviewer
> to display MOI thumbnails?

I don't think that it would be possible for me to bundle that with the MoI install directly, so I think I'd still need to develop my own separate version as well.

- Michael
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