Test SAT file.
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 From:  BurrMan
5517.5 In reply to 5517.4 
Hi Martin,
I am only fledgling with ViaCad. I know you know it well. I just start with a default, blank ViaCad doc. The Step will have "stitching" options upon import to ViaCad. The STEp doesnt import for me in MoI.

I did find in ViaCad Some "Stitching gap parameters" that were set at .1 or something. This can be very large with this little disappearing fillets. Essentially, the re-stitching with the default ViaCad DOC and re-exporting made a good SAT from Viacad back to MoI. The mesh and surfaces object type were kindof random and not reproducable. Most of the time it reported as a solid too. But if it said "solid" and I chose "stitch", I would get a dialogue that says "all surfaces already seperated" or something like that. I'll try to do a video to see if I can show any of the anomolies.

Maybe a short description of how you originally brought the MoI model into ViaCad before the extra fillet work, and how you exported these files back out.

But this is all extraneous. Michael is looking at the underlying issues and may discover a bug to be fixed. I just jumped in as a means to help me understand the workflow with ViaCad also. If you want to continue with me, thats good for me, but now necessary. Talk later.
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 From:  blowlamp
Hi, BurrMan.

The main thing I was trying to understand was how to use MoI to construct the section between the cylinder and the retangular block.

In ViaCAD Pro v7 I can use the Lofted Solid tool to make the transition, I couldn't see an equivalent in MoI, so I experimented with the construction.

Working in MoI, my method was to extrude four rectangular surfaces and four semi-circular surfaces (for the cylinder), which I then joined piece by piece with the Blend tool and using a Bulge of about 1.3 to get the right shape. I then capped the ends and used the Join tool to make it into a solid.

My attempts to fillet the curvy edges were a bit hit & miss - I knew this would stress MoI's filleter due to the fade-out of the edges, but the slightly odd thing was that some fillets were made underneath the geometry whilst retaining the areas that should have been deleted.

At this point I think I exported to ViaCAD as a .sat file and it came in looking Ok.

I tried to use ViaCAD to fillet and shell the part, which initially failed. The Check Object tool reported the solid as being damaged (edge gaps, I think) and also offered the option to repair it. After which this part filleted and shelled OK.

I made .sat and .step exports, with the intention of bringing them into MoI for further working and it was at this point that I found the problems with some wonky geometry.

I'm pretty sure there are other ways to make the part in MoI, but I'm still learning!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5517.7 In reply to 5517.6 
Hi Martin,

> but the slightly odd thing was that some fillets were made underneath the geometry
> whilst retaining the areas that should have been deleted.

When this happens it means that the filleting engine got confused about how to fully process the entire fillet, especially with figuring out how to cut up the original object with the fillet edges. That can especially happen if one of the fillets did not quite fully extend far enough to form a totally closed boundary for cutting.

When there is some error like that in one of the latter stages of fillet calculation, it will try to return back the pieces that it was able to generate, in the hope that you might be able to use those pieces to complete the fillet by doing manual trimming.

The main thing that would probably make your construction for this case in MoI easier is an improved blend command that could use a longer chain of edges in one blend construction instead of only one pair at a time, that's something that's near the top of my list to work on for v3, it won't make it into this immiment beta but hopefully not long after.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5517.8 In reply to 5517.6 
You can also prepare things to be easier to use with MoI's current single-edge-to-single-edge blend by running the Rebuild command on your curves before constructing surfaces from them, so that you've got surfaces in larger pieces instead of split up into smaller faces. With them configured like that you'll then be able to do just one blend to connect them, see the attached example.

But it's definitely a goal to improve Blend to make your original structure work for blending more easily too.

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
5517.9 In reply to 5517.6 
Hey martin. Here's a quick look at what Michael means with using rebuild.

When he creates the "multi edge" blend, it will be very cool and give some better control.
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 From:  Rich_Art
5517.10 In reply to 5517.9 
Nice vid.....

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  blowlamp
Thanks for the explanation, the file, and the great software!

An excellent video, much appreciated.

Both of you have helped me tremendously - I can do this in next-to-no-time now and it'll surely help others as well.

Martin (2).
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