won't run on osx 10.8.2
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 From:  Matelot13
I upgraded to 10.7.5, and get the same error...
Apple is really screwing with its users at the moment...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5414.10 In reply to 5414.1 
Ok, it looks like you might be able to get things running on 10.8.2 (and also on 10.7.5 where there's a similar problem too) by installing this version of XQuartz: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/X112.7.4

Then once you have that installed, you will need to tel MoI to use the system version of XQuartz rather than the one included directly inside of MoI. To do that, right click on the MoI app and choose "Show package contents", and inside there run Wineskin.app . On the dialog that comes up go to the settings page and there is a checkbox there that says something like "Use system XQuartz", set that and then hopefully MoI should run after that, please let me know if that works for you.

Next week I should be able to release a new MoI update that will be able to run 10.8.2 without needing to mess with any settings, that will happen on Wednesday at the earliest since I am away on vacation right now.

But hopefully installing XQuartz and modifying that one setting will get things going right now without needing to downgrade the OS.

- Michael
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Message 5414.11 deleted 21 Sep 2012 by SOKWANHO

 From:  sokwanho
It works! thank you! looking forward to the stable version soon. have a great vacation!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5414.13 In reply to 5414.12 
That's great news sokwanho, I'm glad that's got you back up and running again!

Please let me know if you see any other problems with it.

Apparently this was a bug in the XQuartz environment that was just hidden and didn't happen to cause any problems until some recent changes in the OpenGL drivers.

- Michael
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 From:  Matelot13
Wow, what a speedy answer. Thank you, Michael.
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 From:  nonius
5414.15 In reply to 5414.14 
sadly enough it is not working overhere. I regret the osx update so much. :-(


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 From:  coi (MARCO)
5414.16 In reply to 5414.15 
hey nonius..

did you check the new MoI release for OSX?..


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5414.17 In reply to 5414.15 
Hi sven,

> sadly enough it is not working overhere. I regret the osx update so much. :-(

Which version are you using, are you using the new 2.52 release that Marco has the link to above? That version was released specifically to fix problems with 10.8.2 .

You can get it from here: http://moi3d.com/reinstall.htm

Please let me know if you are still having problems with this most recent 2.52 release.

- Michael
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 From:  nonius
5414.18 In reply to 5414.17 
it took very long to load but it is working, thnx ;-)

life saver

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