Scripting Challenge .... Any takers ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5394.6 In reply to 5394.5 
Hi Martin, sorry I still don't understand if you have followed _all_ of that previous advice or not.

Again, the details on what to do are here:

Did you Set Options > View > Mesh angle to a rough angle like 25 degrees and uncheck "Add detail to inflections".

Did you set [Mesh Export] ThreadLimit=1 in moi.ini ?

After doing those do you still run out of memory when doing the export where you were seeing running-out-of-memory problems?

If you are still seeing a problem at that point, what happens if you just select only roughly half of the model - you mention stuff about various styles, etc... - I'm not talking about selecting anything by styles, just simply drag a selection rectangle around roughly half the screen to approximately grab half of the objects and then export that.

When you do these steps, do you still run out of memory or does it export ok after doing these steps?

The first steps about setting the different options you only have to do one time.

The second step about doing a window select of roughly half your model takes only a couple of seconds to do and does not require elaborate scripts or reading through style lists or anything like that.

Please check if these steps solve the problem for you or not - there is no point on trying to cook up a fancy script to solve the problem if you can already solve it with these easy methods.

- Michael
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 From:  TpwUK
5394.7 In reply to 5394.6 
Hi Michael -I am sorry i don't seem to be able to get my problem across very well. Sorting the memory issue has been resolved, that was never too much of a problem, the problem is not really that much of a problem, like i said in the first post, it's not that deadly a requirement, just something for someone to play with - should they want to do it. Hi definition models, as you know result in high density poly meshes - when you have a load of foreign language that you cant translate, then you are left with select the style name, zoom in and see if it gives you a clue as to what it is, then export that part giving it a reasonable mesh density for your needs. Now if i don't do that, and if i spew the objects out ad hoc through the exporter by grabbing half of the model, i am going to end up with a 500MB plus IGES file or I am going to have wheels that look like a UK 50p piece hence the need to select from the style list. Selecting each object and setting mesh density is the only way i know of how to keep control of the final poly count, like i have said before there are many items that will look good with a low mesh density and others that won't. As time is of a premium to me, because of my other responsibilities, this task could be massively reduced by removing all the to-ing and fro-ing that this task involves.

As a hobbyist modeller and render freak, I sometimes want to render somebody else's work, just for fun or because i can get better results than them and they ask, but you look at the model, and imagine render camera angles, lighting etc for close-ups on details and the like, so you do mesh density according to how close you intend to go, and lesser density to parts that don't need it or that are not going to be seen at all, the under belly of a car for example that has no detailing provided don't need many polys.

Does this explain things any better ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5394.8 In reply to 5394.7 
Hi Martin, ok thanks for the additional explanation!

I had thought previously that the problem involved running out of memory, because you wrote in the first message:

doing this export thing selecting one item at a time for exporting to try and prevent memory expiration issues is a time consuming job

So that's what all my replies were focused on...

But now it sounds like you're not actually worried about what you wrote there initially, if I understand you correctly now?

Sorry that I got focused on the wrong part of what you were asking about!

- Michael
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