Hiya Torolf, good to see you too decided to join the Moi forum, it seems many of us Maxwell users are joining now :) yout first attempts look interesting and i'm looking forward to see what you can do with Moi.
I downloaded it and joined the forum. The default models k3dsurf generates look cool.
The subheading of the website says it's "from intelligent people for intelligent people"
I'll see if I can figure it out...I wish they had a " k3dsurf for dummies" ;-) hehe...
But I'm sorry probably twisting and bending won't be available for quite a while.
It is pretty difficult to twist and bend solids while making sure that all the different surfaces of the solid remain touching at their shared edges.
Rhino version 4.0 does have some tools to do this, so for a while you will need to use Rhino to perform these types of calculations. You can quickly move shapes back and forth between MoI and Rhino just by using copy and paste.