Feature ideas maybe...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5387.14 In reply to 5387.13 
Hi Felix,

> but I wonder if a command or script could be setup to do all this in as few steps as possible, 2
> if possible, 1 to select the object we want to view "normal to" and the other to create the
> cplane (automatically) and swicth to proper (2D) view.

Does this script do what you need? :

script: /* Set cplane and switch to top view */ moi.view.setCPlaneInteractive(); moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'Top';

That combines setting the cplane and then automatically switching to the maximized "Top" view after you have placed the cplane.

It's a 2 click process - after you trigger it you can snap the base point of the orientation picker onto the surface you want to be normal to, then after that base point is placed you will be in the orientation picker stage where you can adjust the rotation of the plane if you want, do a right-click in this stage for your second click and then that will do it.

That saves you one single click about setting the view to "Top".

Right now there's no way to avoid the rotation-specifying stage when placing the cplane, but it only takes one right-click in the viewport to accept the default plane orientation, you do not actually have to go over to the "Done" button.

> I assume the match command would work on any surface which ever way it was created, sweep, loft,
> revolve, etc. That way you wouldn't have to modify the UI of any of the surface generating commands in Moi.

Yup, that's the idea.

- Michael
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