Shell Issues
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 From:  propmaster (PWWHDR70)
Fascinating stuff.

I ended up doing it the hard way, which didn't turn out to be so hard after all. In the process I realized that 1mm is actually too thin, so I increased it to 2mm for stability. This is a part that gets screwed on rather tightly.

The underside isn't meant to be seen, so it doesn't matter what it looks like. I was just trying to remove as much material as possible for 3D printing purposes.

Michael, I know it can be frustrating at times, but just know that you're the hero for tons of us out here. I can't wait to see the new update. Keep up the great work.

Thanks to everyone for the ideas and assistance!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5362.7 In reply to 5362.6 
Hi Patrick, your result looks great! Yup sometimes when the "automatic" type processes fail or get confused your best bet is to just manually construct a cutting piece and "do it yourself".

I think the fix to the UV trim curve generation with the latest geometry library should probably be a big help in general for robustness, there were a couple of different bugs in that area causing mangled boundaries that could happen in a variety of different operations.

It looks like I've tracked down the area of the library that changed that made the final boolean step of the shell not work quite correctly with the updated library, so I can undo that particular change but keep the other fixes.

That's one thing that's really pretty frustrating about the geometry library being updated, it's not unusual for some things that get changed to help out in one particular case but then cause problems in other cases...

I was going to wait until cramming in a couple of more features before releasing a new beta, but I think that maybe I'll go ahead and roll one out now, the geometry library update and an update to Network are enough to merit a new release now I guess, I will try to roll out one later tonight.

In that new release the 0.5mm thick shell of your original posted file should then work ok.

Thanks for posting the example file so I could test with it!

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

You could also use the curve offset and Boolean out the inside to a specific width, remembering to carve out the offset along the flat plane where the hole. One and two millimeter wall thicknesses are in the pic.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
5362.9 In reply to 5362.7 
Hi Patrick, almost ready with a new beta with those geometry library bug fixes, but it look like it will take me until sometime tomorrow to finish it instead of tonight.

- Michael
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 From:  Rich_Art
5362.10 In reply to 5362.9 
Cool. :-)

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  TpwUK
5362.11 In reply to 5362.9 
Michael - Broadband routers wait with baited bytes ....

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
If you design the 2 pieces in meters then at the end make a scale / 100
Does you obtain the same result than in mm ?
Does Moi's functions will be helped?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5362.13 In reply to 5362.12 
Hi Pilou,

> If you design the 2 pieces in meters then at the end make a scale / 100
> Does you obtain the same result than in mm ?
> Does Moi's functions will be helped?

You could do something like that - if you switch the unit system in Moi it will apply a scale for you.

But anyway in this particular case any scaling should not be necessary, I think it's just a matter of luck that the different scaled version did not happen to run into the uv trim curve bug.

With this next upcoming release that particular bug should be fixed. Hopefully there are not too many new ones introduced, we'll see!

- Michael
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5362.14 In reply to 5362.13 
Michael <<Hopefully there are not too many new ones introduced>>

It's not in my nature to complain ...and i think you can't expect everything by one software..but i got an old silly question for you Michael:

a simple square 10x10,if i want to fillet r=5 ,it should be done: Not fillet...if i choose 4,99 it works
this happenned with all Moi's versions.I remember Autocad 2000-2005 did it without problems
i changed unit precision settings from 1 to 1,00.same thing..(maybe Moi don't want to share same points of the fillet..)
let you say something about


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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
5362.15 In reply to 5362.14 
Well, if you fillet each point individually and not all 4 at once it works.


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5362.16 In reply to 5362.15 
You're right Stefan...i'd like just two at once,not all problem !

my compliments for your 3d doodles (linking stars II in blue is really nice)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5362.17 In reply to 5362.14 
Hi Mauro - the way curve filleting works is that each curve segment is trimmed by the arc pieces that are generated.

In your particular case there the original curve segment would be trimmed away to nothing at all, so the code that tries to do the trimming gets an error in that case and that's why it does not work.

It should probably not be too difficult to fix up, it just needs a special case added for this particular circumstance. I can change it to just throw out the original curve piece in this case rather than trying to trim it. I've added it to my list of stuff to fix.

In the meantime the easiest workaround is to just draw a circle in a case like this and just delete the square rather than using fillet - the result you are looking for is a full circle, right?

Thanks for reporting it!

- Michael
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
5362.18 In reply to 5362.16 
Thank you m-dynamics, much appreciated!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok, the new beta is out there:

Main new stuff is - updated Solids++ geometry library to the latest version, mostly various bug fixes but please also be on the lookout for any regressions (things that used to work previously but don't anymore after the update).

Updates to the Construct > Network command - fixed bug that tended to cause little lumps in the network and are also now some options that you can adjust to control the network behavior to choose to get a lighter but less accurate result if you want.

The Mac OSX version should now be working ok on OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion, please let me know if you see any problems launching this version on Mountain Lion, it should be ok now though.

I will start a new thread with a proper announcement in a bit.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5362.20 In reply to 5362.19 
Cool :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5362.21 In reply to 5362.17 
Michael <<In the meantime the easiest workaround is to just draw a circle in a case like this and just delete the square rather than using fillet - the result you are looking for is a full circle, right?>>

I posted a silly example,but there are also many situations when you got already modeled complex solids and need to fillet two squared profiles like the example


let me say you how i found useful new tool -ISO- for extracting isocurves from a surface.This is not only a quick way to cut a surface but also to refine or rebuilt it switching from sweep to network or loft
there is an half a month i'm working on a heavy and difficult model,and still need another one to finish,sometime i believed to surrender...without ISO tool i couldn't do some surfaces
thank you Michael

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