3D system for $4000??
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5359.9 In reply to 5359.8 
The main problem with Blender is that unlike all other renderers that I am aware of it does not have the ability to import vertex normals along with polygonal data, which is a big problem when trying to render CAD data.

See here for some previous discussions on this:


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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
I wouldn't class Blender's renderers in the same league as Mental Ray, which comes with Max.
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 From:  Shaun (MOISHAUN)
It depends, Mental Ray is very good at reflecting and refracting. But anti-aliasing/sampling is pretty poor compared to other renderers. IMHO

For example if you have small details like whispy lines or cracks modeled into something you really have to crank the samples up so they don’t flicker during an animation.

Other renderers sample differently so it isn’t an issue. It all depends on what you’re doing.
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