push pull
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5349.35 In reply to 5349.34 
Elle peut se faire aussi en suivant un chemin!
Ce que ne fera pas l'extrude "Push-Pull" automatique!

Et par rapport à SKetchup, le fait d'avoir une surface "porte" ne va pas faire une différence de volume avec extrude!

EDITED: 27 Jul 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  Dzeko
5349.36 In reply to 5349.35 
Oui mais on est bien d'accord qu'il faut encore enlever manuellement la première extrusion ? ( en mode pousser dans quelque chose )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5349.37 In reply to 5349.32 
Hi Dzeko - you can do a push/pull type operation if you have a solid and you select a face of that solid and then do an extrusion (Construct > Extrude) of the face.

When there is a face selection the generated extrusion is automatically booleaned with the base solid, either Boolean difference if you go inwards to the solid, or Boolean union if you extrude towards the outside direction.

Someday I'd like to have an option for this to also work if you are extruding curves that are positioned on the surface of a solid but currently that doesn't work, you need to select faces to do the automatic boolean mode. You can use Edit > Trim followed by Edit > Join to slice a face up into sections to prepare it for push/pulling though.

With a face selected, doing Extrude then works like this:

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
A la différence de Sketchup il n'y a pas de différence automatique avec Extrude d'une face ne faisant pas partie du volume!

Par contre oui quand il y auto-intersection et suivant le sens!

EDITED: 27 Jul 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  Dzeko
5349.39 In reply to 5349.38 
A la différence de Sketchup il n'y a pas de différence automatique avec Extrude d'une face ne faisant pas partie du volume!

Merci c'est bien cela qui me turlupiner ^^
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5349.40 In reply to 5349.38 
And just to clarify a bit more - for the first case like Pilou shows above, it's more normal in MoI to draw a curve object and use Boolean Difference to cut the base solid by the curve directly rather than doing an extrusion. Booleans will automatically extrude 2D curves used as cutting objects out into extrusions that go all the way through the object so you don't need to extrude them yourself in that case.

So for example if you have a solid and a curve like this:

Run Construct > Boolean > Difference to get this result, no extrude is needed for this case of cutting all the way through an object:

- Michael

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 From:  Dzeko
5349.41 In reply to 5349.40 
i think your cube is entierly cutted

i more need this


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5349.42 In reply to 5349.41 
Hi Dzeko,

> i think your cube is entierly cutted
> i more need this

For that type of case then yes you do need to do an extrusion.

You can do it in 2 different ways - if you want to do it like "push/pull", then you'd draw a rectangle on the front face of your box and use Edit > Trim to slice the surface of the box by that curve so that it's made of separate faces. Use Join if it split into totally separate objects. Then you can select the face and do Extrude and you'll get the auto boolean behavior as shown above.

The other way is to just extrude the curve to your desired cut size, then select the main object and run Construct > Boolean > Difference and select your just extruded piece as the cutting object.

In the future I do want to have the concept of a "depth limited" boolean so that you could control the cutting depth directly in the boolean command, but until that is ready you need to form your own cutting object by using Extrude.

- Michael
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 From:  Dzeko
5349.43 In reply to 5349.42 
thank you M.G
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You have also Offset / Shell 2 Faces (Coque) then Extrude Multi Faces! ;)
(here only 1 face extrude at the end but you can take the 4 faces as you want )

EDITED: 27 Jul 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
5349.45 In reply to 5349.44 
...or you can use Boolean / Diff only required face and then you can extrude cut face like push/pull


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5349.46 In reply to 5349.45 
Tricky use of only one face! My favorite! :)
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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
5349.47 In reply to 5349.46 
Yes, extrusion of one face only is very usefull feature. In addition usage of Boolean/Diff has one advantage in comparison to Trim, because they aren't generated in most cases unwanted splitted edges during one face extrusion.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5349.48 In reply to 5349.47 
And it's easy to select an another Face
then Right Click for make an Extrude again!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  LarryV
5349.49 In reply to 5349.3 

I'm a new MoI user and I'm toying around with the various functions to get myself acquainted with the program and learn how to use the various tools.

1. I have a lot of experience with 123D Design from Autodesk and I was wondering if it is possible to push or pull faces of Solids in Moi like you can in that application.

I've tried using the move tool to move faces without separating them from the solid, which did not do anything. And then I tried to use the extrude tool. Which did not work for elongating a rifled barrel. The rifling, which was of ratchet type, had no twist to it yet but the extrude still failed. It would not extrude one of the ends of the rifled barrel.

I can use extrude to resize simple shapes but even then, it seems to leave an edge or crease behind where the walls used to end before I used extrude to lengthen the solid. Please see the hollowed cylinder in the screenshot for what I mean. And, as mentioned above, it seems to fail entirely for complex faces.

I suppose I could use resize instead but that's cumbersome and only works for a pipe or other simple solid where it doesn't matter the entire part gets resized along one axis.

2. I'd like to know if it is possible to reshape flat / planar profiles by pushing or pulling on an edge. Right now it seems to me you basically have to draw the new boundaries then use boolean merge on the two coplanar profiles to resize the outer perimeter of a profile, for example.

3. I'd also like to know whether solids can have their points shown or just disjointed curves and faces.

Thank you for your time and help.
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 From:  BurrMan
5349.50 In reply to 5349.49 
It's "sortof true" what you are describing, but only in the sense that you are misusing the toolset.

You will want to adjust your workflow if you want to work in a "direct editing" type of flow.

So, if you want to "draw objects, then fool around with them to see", you can plan for that and use MoI's history mechanism to do that.

A lot of operations have history enabled by default. So if you sweep a profile along a path and generate a result, you can then edit the profile and path curves to manipulate the swept result.

So for your example of the cylinder, you could generate a loft with several sections, then manipulate away on the curves that generated the object...

Mostly though, you are approaching MoI as a direct editor, which it really is not.....

If you want MoI to be 123D, that probably wont work out for you. If you want to present examples and ask to learn MoI, you can get some good results...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5349.51 In reply to 5349.49 
Hi Larry,

> I've tried using the move tool to move faces without separating them from the
> solid, which did not do anything.

Yeah currently the Move command doesn't know how to move a sub-selected face. That is something I want to add in the future though.

Probably the best way to make a new longer object like you're describing is to just extrude a new one from the original curves. There is not a lot of focus currently in MoI on editing an existing shape like you're trying to do, although the extrude command can do some of that.

> And then I tried to use the extrude tool. Which did not work for elongating a rifled
> barrel. The rifling, which was of ratchet type, had no twist to it yet but the extrude
> still failed. It would not extrude one of the ends of the rifled barrel.

If you can post the 3DM model file with the object that failed to extrude that would probably help to give some more information on what's going on there.

> I can use extrude to resize simple shapes but even then, it seems to leave an edge or crease
> behind where the walls used to end before I used extrude to lengthen the solid.

Yeah when doing the face extrude, it's the same thing as doing a regular extrude followed by a boolean union - currently MoI will combine coplanar planes into single faces in boolean union but not in situations like cylinders. Is there a particular reason you're worried about the additional edge that you're ending up with there? That still should be an ok model despite that. If you want a longer cylinder without any of those edges I'd just extrude a new one from the original curves.

- Michael
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