Hi DesertRaven,
> So looking at the attached image, just for the sake of the moment of inspiration, why
> wouldn't I just want to create a face with the circle and just push it up when i need it
> to? I understand how "nurbs" modeling works, or so I think I do, but this could be
> several operations combined working in the background to make it convenient for
> me as a user.
That kind of editing by moving faces around is definitely something that I'd like to add in the future. Ideally it would just be integrated into the regular Transform > Move command and not need to be set up as a totally separate push/pull command though.
But unfortunately with NURBS geometry the sequence of operations that you're referring to that need to happen behind the scenes are pretty fancy, they involve doing extensions and offsets, those are not particularly strong areas of the geometry kernel that MoI uses right now, so that's one big reason why I have not attempted to do it yet, it would likely just make messed up stuff a lot of the times except in very basic situations.
So I'm sort of waiting for more support on that from the authors of the geometry kernel before being able to really undertake that style of editing.
Like you've already seen, SpaceClaim has done a lot of specialized work to focus on that type of stuff, it may be a better fit for you if that's of high importance to you.
> And as far as I researched the history of MOI it was intended to be a simple tool and
> easy to use, not so much weight on it strictly following NURBS modeling rules,
That's certainly true - but I cannot make the pretty advanced geometry operations that are required to do some of that kind of editing (where offsets and extensions are involved) just appear out of mid air.
> Also if I just want to quickly indent a shape into the flat rectangular part of the object, why do I have
> to go through a lengthy process of first creating a box, then putting it into position and then subtract
> it from the object?
Basically because that's the most elemental and basic sequence of things that actually need to happen in order to make an indentation.
I'm certainly not opposed to streamlining that area, and in fact if you need to cut a hole all the way through an object that process is already optimized since you can do a boolean with a solid and a 2D curve and internally in the boolean it handles the details of punching out the 2D curve into a solid cutting object for you.
For making just an indentation instead of an "all the way through" cut that is not similarly streamlined yet, it's a more complex case since you need to control the depth of the indentation which means more UI is required. I'm usually quite conservative about jumping into things that require more UI since adding in lots of UI all over the place is pretty much how bloat and complexity happens to software.
One of the things that's kind of held up this area a bit is trying to consider which particular approach to take, whether to try to do something closer to SketchUp which could involve modifying how all the drawing commands work by having some mode for them to embed and slice up what they are drawn on directly (pretty "heavyweight" solution involving many changes) or whether it's better handled by some additional options in a couple of key commands.
Probably for MoI it's better to be handled by some additional options in existing commands - I've thought before about having it in the Extrude command to make it so that you can do an extrude and have it automatically protrude or remove material from an existing solid right in the extrude, and also to have it within boolean difference as well to make an option for a 2D curve to have a "depth limit" to how it cuts an object rather than only cutting all the way through.
Those things have not quite bubbled up to the top of my list yet, but I may be at a pretty good point to undertake those in v3 pretty soon.
Please keep in mind that MoI is still a work in progress and I am still planning on a lot of improvements to it - it is not in a "100% finished" state right now by any means. The things that you are mentioning would definitely be improvements, but it takes work to implement all these various things and there are only 24 hours in the day you know! :)
The basic development philosophy for MoI is kind like "consider carefully before adding in things that need new UI", which is how the UI stays slim and pleasant. But one thing that goes along with that strategy is that sometimes I let things percolate for quite a while before pulling the trigger. This particular area for making it more streamlined to do indentations and protrusions has been in the percolation stage for a while.
- Michael