Displacement Maps for MoI?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5329.2 In reply to 5329.1 
It's not more for polygonal Subdivision modeling ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5329.3 In reply to 5329.1 
Hi Ed, that exact thing in the video is not a great fit with MoI currently anyway since the result of the displacement that video is showing is all polygon/triangle mesh geometry and not NURBS geometry anymore.

Since it's basically a polygon modeling technique that's something that fits better with a polygon oriented modeler.

Some kind of "heightfield" command could be possible in the future though, right now if you want to build a NURBS surface with heights of the surface based off light/dark areas in a texture bitmap the ZSurf program can do that for you:

And also the new Flow command in MoI v3 is kind of related - it can map geometry from a base rectangle layout onto a curved surface.

- Michael
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