Insufficient Memory Export Issue
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 From:  fmuram
5322.14 In reply to 5322.13 
Hi Michael,
That is awesome!!
Are you planning on making the beta available to users? I would love to participate.


P.S. I wouldn't mind even giving an alpha a test-drive. Your program is brilliant.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5322.15 In reply to 5322.14 
Hi Fred, yes the v4 beta will be open to all v3 users. You won't have to do any special application for it, there will be a web page where you'll be able to put in your v3 license key to download it.

- Michael
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 From:  fmuram
5322.16 In reply to 5322.15 
Hi Michael,
I am new to the software and am still in the trial period. Is it possible to go ahead and buy the new version to participate in the beta?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5322.17 In reply to 5322.16 
Hi Fred, I'm sorry but no I don't have any way set up to purchase the new version in advance. It won't be until after the v4 beta period is over and there is a final release out that v4 will be able to be purchased.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
5322.18 In reply to 5322.16 
Hi ..
I would suggest that you purchase V3 now and then you can participate in the entire year of so of the new beta before V4 is actually released.
MoI 3d is an absolutely wonderful modeling program and the Forum the best forum I have ever seen. I have been using MoI for years and could not live without it.
I'm really looking forward to participating in V4 beta.
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 From:  fmuram
5322.19 In reply to 5322.18 
Hi Eric,
That looks like what I will be doing.

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My learnings in case it helps anyone else....

Indended work flow
Solidworks exported as STEP, MOI converts to lovely quads in FBX import to Cinema4D

Insufficient memory thing really hampered anything complex.

Exporting IGES from Solidworks instead of STEP gave me very similar results in the end, but was much less susceptible to the 'insufficient memory' barrier

Love Moi, really hope we see V4 soon
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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
5322.21 In reply to 5322.20 
Hi all,

regarding "insufficient memory" issue...

It helps me a lot to change setting of "ThreadLimit=" to "ThreadLimit=1" in moi.ini file. It works probably only one core of processor, export is slower, but I hadn't no problem with memory.

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