MoI3d 1.1 Glitch/Broke!
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 From:  Arymond (ARYMOND_RYSNIQ)
5318.17 In reply to 5318.16 
All i have is MSSE and Advanced System Care 5

i Don't see the same Reset button for 8
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5318.18 In reply to 5318.17 
Hi Arymond, the reset button was introduced in IE7 so it should be there in IE8.

Open up Internet Explorer and go to Tools -> Internet Settings -> Advanced tab and it should be there on the bottom of the dialog.

> All i have is MSSE and Advanced System Care 5

I'm not familiar with Advanced System Care - when I do a Google search for:
"Advanced System Care" Internet Explorer

Some various stuff comes up with complaints about it messing up Internet Explorer. So that could definitely be related.

You may need to get rid of the "Advanced System Care" program if it messes up how other programs interact with the Internet Explorer engine.

For example the very first comment here mentions that using it broke a different app that is also trying to use IE as well:

- Michael
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 From:  Arymond (ARYMOND_RYSNIQ)
5318.19 In reply to 5318.18 
i removed it from my computer but i'm still getting the error even after resetting IE8 again it happens with any of the construct and transform tools
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5318.20 In reply to 5318.19 
Hi Arymond, sorry I don't really have any other suggestions for you at this point other than to either switch to MoI v3 or to back up your important data and wipe/reformat your drive and do a fresh install of Windows.

It seems that you're Internet Explorer installation has gotten really messed up, and from some of those comments that I read it looks like that particular anti-virus/anti-spyware system could be what got things messed up in the first place.

You might check out if you have any system restore checkpoints from some time when your system was working properly and try to do a system restore back to then.

Maybe it could be worth a try to install IE9 now without that other system running and see if you end up with an ok installation after that.

- Michael
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