Flow used to create coil, square wrapped on ferrite core
 1-18  19-25

 From:  Michael Gibson
5288.19 In reply to 5288.17 
Here's another example - basically any pattern that is easy to draw in 2D can be put onto a curve this way. Just an angled line will work for a ramp like result that just gains height as it marches along the curve but other patterns like this will work with the same thing as well:

- Michael

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 From:  bemfarmer
5288.20 In reply to 5288.19 
Thank you Michael.
Using curve to curve flow is much easier.

Having trouble with flow getting the start of the square helix to begin at the beginning of
the red helix. Tried rotating the circle multiple times to adjust the start position.

Is there a script to find the start of a circle, other than by extruding it ? :-)

Also for several days, when typing these forum messages, my arrow keys do not cause a visible movement
of the vertical bar cursor. The arrow keys do cause the cursor to move, invisibly. The cursor does not show up in its
correct position until another character is typed. ?

(The arrow keys work fine in notepad or onenote)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5288.21 In reply to 5288.20 
Hi Brian,

> Is there a script to find the start of a circle, other than by extruding it ? :-)

Check out the attached plug-in "MarkCurveStart" - it will place a point object onto the start location of any curve.

> Also for several days, when typing these forum messages, my arrow keys
> do not cause a visible movement of the vertical bar cursor. The arrow keys
> do cause the cursor to move, invisibly. The cursor does not show up in its
> correct position until another character is typed. ?

That sounds kind of weird - probably some kind of bug in your web browser, what web browser are you using and does it go away if you update to the most current version?

- Michael

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 From:  Rich_Art
5288.22 In reply to 5288.21 
That is a handy plugin thanks.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  bemfarmer
5288.23 In reply to 5288.21 
Thank you again Michael for another great script.

For the problem with the arrow keys, (under Internet Explorer 9, which worked fine for many months), this message is being done with google chrome,
and there is no such problem now. Weird.

This edit back with IE9, arrow keys do not work properly. So which web browser is recommended?

Edit #2: Just now, running IE9 with "No Add-Ons" mode, and the arrow keys are working fine.

EDITED: 14 Aug 2012 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5288.24 In reply to 5288.23 
Hi Brian, so it sounds like some misbehaving IE9 add-on was messing up the arrow keys. It's probably not bad to just disable them all anyway, but if there are some add-ons that are useful for you, you could do something like start with them all disabled and enable them one by one until you find the particular one that is messing things up and then get rid of just that one.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
5288.25 In reply to 5288.24 
Looks like the culprit was "Yontoo."
Also uninstalled "Spigot pdfforge toolbar" and "Zugo search toolbar."
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