Mysteries with MOI and Illustrator 10
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5275.42 In reply to 5275.41 
Hi Leonard, yup it looks like the following characters are illegal in Windows:    " * : < > ? \ / |

So for the moment anyway avoid using those in any part of a file name and then you should be ok.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5275.43 In reply to 5275.41 
Hi Leonard, ok so I've been able to fix things up so that files with any of these characters:   " * <> ? |   which were not working in file names before should work ok in the next beta.

Sorry it took so long to pinpoint what the problem was!

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
5275.44 In reply to 5275.43 
Hi Michael, I didn't think you would take that route, i.e., to make those characters workable. You do good work.

My takeaway: its helped my problem-solving skills. In the case of this and the last problem, they were right under my nose!

Kudos to you for coming back each time with questions; that led straight to the central issue in both cases.


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