Moving from Cut3D into Moi?

 From:  Doc (TONYG)
I just got a file in stl that I put in Cut3D but now can not get it to move into Moi to move it for x0y0 adjustments. Any help would be appreciated.

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 From:  Doc (TONYG)
5255.2 In reply to 5255.1 
When I try in the save as type space, it reads Vectric Cut3D Files (*.v3d)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5255.3 In reply to 5255.1 
Hi Tony - STL files use a different kind of data than MoI if focused on using for modeling.

MoI uses a type of geometry called "NURBS surfaces". STL files do not contain NURBS surfaces, instead they contain triangle mesh data.

MoI can generate an STL file by taking its NURBS surfaces and dicing them up into little triangles, but it is not easy to take already diced up triangles and make broad smooth NURBS surfaces from those. So because of that using STL with MoI is usually a one way process, you can export to STL but not import it back in again.

If your STL file originally came from a MoI model then you would want to make your adjustment to your original model (usually saved as a 3DM file), then re-export that to a new STL file.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Hi Tony.
I'm no expert, but here is a vectric post which might help.
You might be able to use meshlab for an xyz point cloud.
Is your model proprietary, or can you post it.
Or can you post a non-proprietary, or altered version of your file, for testing purposes?
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 From:  Doc (TONYG)
5255.5 In reply to 5255.3 
We finally got it to move into Moi. The only problem is that when we moved it into Moi, nothing appears to show up. It look likes completely blank. It says I've opened "(file name).3DM", the actual file, but nothing is appearing. Do you have any advice?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Try meshlab
Import your STL
Export as obj
the use the OBJ to 3DM by Michael
and see if you see always nothing
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5255.7 In reply to 5255.5 
Hi Tony, what method did you use to move the data into a 3DM file?

Probably what happened is that you have now created a 3DM file that only has polygon mesh type objects inside of it. MoI does not work with that kind of data at modeling time so it will just skip over those type of objects if they happen to be in the 3DM file that you were trying to import.

Again, polygon mesh data is a much different type of data than NURBS surface data. MoI is designed to work with NURBS surface data for modeling and is not set up to import polygon data. You can _export_ polygon data out from MoI but not really import it in.

If you need to edit polygon mesh data, you need to use a polygon mesh editing program to do that instead of MoI. You can look at something like Silo for example:

MoI itself is not set up to edit that kind of triangle-mesh structured data, which is what it sounds like you're trying to do here.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
5255.8 In reply to 5255.7 
From the info provided, it appears to me that Tony is trying to move the mesh to the origin 0,0,0.
If that's the case then Silo can save .stl files but can't open them.

If you have Rhino you can open & re-position the mesh or re-save as STL file using ExportWithOrigin.

Or get the free Rhino evaluation version which has 25 saves.


Seems you have your answer here:

Have you tried this? That would be the simplest way if it works.

EDITED: 14 Jul 2012 by SBEECH

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 From:  Doc (TONYG)
5255.9 In reply to 5255.8 
Sorry for the delay in letting you know if your help, helped. It did.
Cut 3D seems to want the x0y0 in the corners or center when it is drawn in the model or I have problems.
Rino did allow moving the stl file, open and re save it with the x0y0 being moved. Then sent back to Cut 3D.
I am now learning how to the zero the machine and the work piece and getting the zeros lined up when cutting.

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