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 From:  Michael Gibson
5252.107 In reply to 5252.106 
Hi Mike that's great, so from what I understand you're all set now with the driver anti-aliasing setting put on "application controlled" which probably was originally the default, before you must have done a few tweaks to see if things like "threaded optimization" would help with performance, is that correct?

So it sounds like you are all back in working order now?

And yes, if antialiasing is forced on at the driver level it will definitely mess up MoI's selection mechanism, it basically ends up anti-aliasing and therefore mutating some selection data. With it back to the default "application controlled" you should be back in action now.

Also having antialiasing turned on makes the card do quite a bit of extra work so with an older card that's also not unusual that it would have some performance penalty along with that as well.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Great! it works on the mac too!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5252.109 In reply to 5252.108 
Hi Ed, do you see a noticeable improvement on your Mac?

You can get some actual numbers by setting up the following on a shortcut key, then pressing that will show the redraw time in the upper-left corner of the viewport window:
script: /* Toggle redraw time display */ moi.ui.showViewportDisplayTime = !moi.ui.showViewportDisplayTime;

Then with an actual number on the old one and a new number it's easier to tell exactly how much improvement there has been.

Also, what kind of CPU and video card do you have on your Mac?

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Drew a sphere (mesh angle 5 degrees), Array grid/cube 10x10x10 (1000).
Centered in view and rotated.

My home PC took is 1060 ms average per redraw frame.
That was over the 2000 ms it took with the older version.

Come to work using my newer card:
70 ms redraw! (mesh angle 5 degrees)
162 ms redraw (mesh angle 1 degrees)

I still have to look into what it already splitting up the threads with MoI.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)

Same objects.
The screen capture on the LEFT is from the April beta, the one to the left is from the July beta.

I have a few curve objects nested within each other, I noticed that there are flickering (or shimmering) patterns that change as you do anything from highlighting different objects to hovering over buttons.
The view image is unchanging and consistent in the April beta. Same .ini file, same graphic.
It's as if there is some random variation in the opacity of the anti-aliased fringes, and it appears to change as the viewport is refreshed.
But since the previous version does not have this effect, then it has something to do with the way MoI's multi-thread thing works.

NOTE: this does not happen when the DisplayThreadLimit=1

Michael, BTW, my NVIDIA GeForece GTX 560 has had it's driver updated to the newest release.
On a slightly related note, the strange behavior with the thread distribution I was dealing with since the released is the same today.

For now, It may be best to leave the DisplayThreadLimit set to 1, which Win still shows that at least four cores are still sharing a % the load.
The speed wasn't increased to much of a noticeable level anyways. Though, in my case, it looks like I'm already enjoying some type of multi-thread emulation in the first place.
It might have something to do with the PC's Hyper-Threading.
If that's the case, then I must be enjoying the advantage to the Hyper-Threading (in my experience with it so far) is that I've had a very stable system that rarely crashes or locks up as I'm in full-boar operation with Photoshop, Corel a software RIP processor and the myriad of other things that are going on. Unlike this work PC's predecessor that crashed all the time, I have to remember to reboot every few days just to clear Photoshop and Corel's heads. ;-)

I post this just for curiosity's sake with this beta release.

So with my card on my particular system, I get some kind of random inconsistency with anti-aliasing rendering when MoI is set to use more than one thread.
I would have to be the 'odd-ball' with the system that exhibits the strange behavior.

Didn't one guy complain of "shimmering" triangles?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5252.112 In reply to 5252.111 
Hi Mike, are those objects all stacked up exactly on top of one another?

If so then that's actually an expected consequence of the new multi-threaded display - it's just fundamental to how it works that there will not be the same ordering of processing as there was with a single thread doing the processing.

Things that are exactly tied for their z depth will end up being dependent on the order that they are drawn as far as which one "wins". That's not really a bug, it's just how the display mechanism works.

If you want to avoid that, the main way to do it would be to move the curves you want to have on top to be at a higher z level than the others - even if it's only by a slight amount that will avoid the "tied result in the depth buffer" type of problem that you are showing here.

Either that or if you want to have exactly-depth-tied things drawn in a specific order setting the DisplayThreadLimit=1 to turn off multi core processing would also do it.

But it's generally to be expected that you will see various kinds of "z fighting" flickering when entities are exactly stacked on top of one another, particularly with surfaces.

It's just a common thing that happens with video card displays in general, see here for more information:

> Didn't one guy complain of "shimmering" triangles?

Yeah but I've been discussing that over private messages, and it turns out that it's also happening with v2 so it looks like some kind of video card specific issue, not anything related to the new multi-core processing.

- Michael
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 From:  Lobster (SAMKENT)

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5252.114 In reply to 5252.112 
Okay, thanks...

...oh yeah, same deal on the home PC.
So we now know that the apparent "z-fighting" artifacts are a welcome byproduct of MoI's new multi-threading.

Like the old Alkaseltzer adds: "...if you see the fizzing, you know it's working!"
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5252.115 In reply to 5252.114 
Hi Mike, you can also easily get z-fighting artifacts without multi-threading as well, it would just previously happen on overlapping surfaces before and not so much on curves.

In prior versions before multi-threading I'm sure you've probably seen this kind of thing with 2 objects overlapping each other and one of them selected or colored differently than the other:

That's z-fighting right there, without any multithreading needed. Multithreading just throws some extra spice into the mixture, particularly with curves.

Basically z-fighting is a display artifact but one that's a normal part of video card display technology. It is possible to do some things to control it, mostly by having the software automatically pull things forward by a little bit in z to influence the result. But it's a somewhat touchy thing because if you pull forward by too much it then can make things show that you really wanted to have hidden.

- Michael

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5252.116 In reply to 5252.115 
Thanks Michael,

It's a great visual indicator of co-planar surfaces.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5252.117 In reply to 5252.116 
Now it's an added bonus for indicating coincident curves as well! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5252.118 In reply to 5252.117 
;-) Aha!
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 From:  OSTexo

Very nice speed upgrade. I really don't get too wrapped up in numbers, my metric for stuff like this usually is being able to perceive a performance increase without a stopwatch. Great job, thanks.
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