Surfacing a cut and filleting all around ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5215.12 In reply to 5215.11 
Hi Guy, the boolean will cut based on the orientation of the 2D curve, so if you need the cut to be angled you just need to rotate the curve to the angle you require and then use the same steps I described above, you don't need to do any projection this time either.

To do the rotation, go to a side view and then you can do it like this:

There I just drag the ellipse over so that it's centered on an edge of your object and then grab the rotation grip and drag it over and snap on to the same edge.

After that do the same boolean steps that I described above - select the solid and run Construct > Boolean > Diff, select the now rotated curve as the cutting object and it will make this result (also see attached 3DM file):

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5215.13 In reply to 5215.11 
Another method
For your ellipse : be sure your big surface is entierely plane
draw the ellipse entierely on the surface, then size it as needing, and move it to the place wished with the helper lines and direct snap enable + gride disable
like this you must be sure that is // to the surface so perpendicular for the Boolean diff ;)
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 From:  Alomphega

Many thanks for your explanations Michael, this lets me understand and learn a bit more :-)
Both methods (yours and Pilou's one) was very good to make my ellipse perpendicular to my surface.

However I prefer to draw directly on the surface with "object snap" enabled because this surface is not really planar, so drawing directly onto it lets the ellipse axis (say hole axis) exactly perpendicular just as I needed.

Thank you very much again for your so precious help ! :-D

Best thinking and cordially yours,

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5215.15 In reply to 5215.14 
<< because this surface is not really planar, so drawing directly onto it lets the ellipse axis (say hole axis) exactly perpendicular just as I needed.

You can have surprise if your "surface is not surface really planar" !
In this case you must take some true marks (repères) somewhere!

(A moins que que " not surface really planar" signifie juste inclinée par rapport aux axes ? )
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 From:  Alomphega
5215.16 In reply to 5215.15 
You know Pilou you can draw an ellipse directly on an egg surface, which is yet less planar than my piece was here ! (I'm joking don't worry ;-)

"not really planar" means "not planar" : my surface is rounded as an extruded circle and a bit like a conic one, also.
Yes, I know, a very complex surface for a so simple piece. O:-)
Anyway as you can see on my image - showing your method at the left and Michael's method at the right - this worked well enough :-)

Well, as you have imagined to be exact the ellipse was not all round touching on the "non-planar" surface, but as you understood I just simply drawn my ellipse with its hot points in touch on the surface, then this was enough to obtain my "perpendicular axis" as well as I needed for perpendicularly cutting as it was done.


always working on few funny projects : ; and so on...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5215.17 In reply to 5215.16 
It's for a new concept of trimer patatoes ? :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Rich_Art
5215.18 In reply to 5215.17 

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Alomphega
5215.19 In reply to 5215.17 
Not for potatoes, but for carrots.
And only those that are cooked.

That is a new concept.
Yes, I know, difficult to understand.
But say "thanks" because it is just for this you are still alive. And after thinking, maybe also a bit because the men in black are so busy nowadays... ;oP

Be quiet,

always working on few funny projects : ; and so on...

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