Pipe2 not working
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
5210.8 In reply to 5210.7 
Hi Michael,

I'm using Win 7 64 bits and the latest V3 beta (april 16)

This is what I get with a simple selected strait line. As soon as I hit the shortcut for the pipe cmd I get this msg up here.

This is what I get with a simple selected strait line. As soon as I hit the shortcut for the pipe2 cmd I get this msg up here. If this help you I get a partial system freeze until I close all instances of MOI.

If you need anything else, let me know.


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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
5210.9 In reply to 5210.8 

I just realised I put the files in the wrong directory but I still have the same problems especially with Pipe2 which freezes the system partially.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5210.10 In reply to 5210.8 
Hi Felix, what did you put for the command in the shortcut key for launching it?

It looks like you may have something like this in there:     script:Pipe

That's not what you want - you want to have just the plain name: Pipe

If you put the "script:" at the front it will generate the error that you show there in the first screenshot - that "script:" label at the front is the way to tell MoI that what follows is not the name of a command but is instead a chunk of script code that should be run directly. You don't have that here, you want to just give it a command name to run.

Once you put just plain "Pipe" as the command name with no script: in front of it, that should solve the first problem.

For Pipe2, can you tell me where you have copied the files to? They should go inside of the \command sub-folder, if they are in some other sub-folder other than that then that might be the issue there.

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
5210.11 In reply to 5210.10 
Hi Michael,

I put only Pipe or Pipe2 in the command edit box of the shortcut keys dialog box.

And I made sure the files are in the proper directory and it's the reason I discovered I had put them in the wrong one. I've been using this command since version 2 and the problem started with V3 april 16.

The Pipe.zip I've downloaded is still mark "last modified" 16/03/2008 8:52 PM and the Pipe2.zip are marked 19/03/2008 4:06 AM. Maybe I got the wrong files to begin with.

I'll delete both zip files and try to download again just to be sure.


edit: I downloaded Pipe.js and got Pipe.htm from Pipe.zip (2008) It works now but I have to close Moi to access other apps I'm running. It seems like the mouse is affected but only outside of Moi.

EDITED: 26 Jun 2012 by FELIX

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5210.12 In reply to 5210.11 
Hi Felix, I'm sorry I just don't have any idea how Pipe would affect other apps that way. You mean it affects other apps even after the Pipe command is finished? Or only while it is running?

Maybe there is some problem with your video driver and it is manifesting itself in strange ways like that. That's about the only thing I can think of, maybe try to update your video driver to the latest version and see if things improve any...

And yes, the original Pipe command did need an update in order to run on v3, the version you need is the one from here:

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
5210.13 In reply to 5210.12 

I tried restarting my computer and use Pipe again, this time it work fine and didn't affect anything else as far as I can see. I also tried Pipe2 but this one didn't work and still cause other stuff to happen.

It looks like my mouse and keyboard are affected as I can't switch to other apps that are running but when I close Moi, every thing seems to be ok. I'm using a few other scripts since version 2 ( before V3 was out) and nothing like that happen even with Pipe2 until april 16 beta.

I wonder if we could setup somekind of remote session where you could see for yourself what's happening. Maybe it as nothing to do with Moi but I'd like to be sure.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5210.14 In reply to 5210.13 
Hi Felix, did you try updating your video driver?

> and nothing like that happen even with Pipe2 until april 16 beta.

The april 16 beta only had minimal changes from the previous v3 beta before that, so that is pretty weird.

Also it's strange that everybody else who has tested it so far hasn't been able to reproduce any problem...

Are you possibly running any kind of anti-virus or anti-spyware system that might be interfering with MoI's operation? I'm really just grasping at straws though since I don't have any good idea why it does not work for you.

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
5210.15 In reply to 5210.14 

I agree it's very likely it as nothing to do with Moi as I install quite a few programs and it's very likely one of these is causing the problem. What I find bizarre is it would seem that only Pipe2 reveal something is wrong. The simplest solution for me is not to use Pipe2 anymore for the time being.

As for the video driver, I didn't do anything with it as far as I can recall but I wouldn't bet on it, bad memory.

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