Question about a hub transition
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 From:  bemfarmer
5174.4 In reply to 5174.3 
Thank you Michael.
It was a suprise. I'll get it purged, or redo the file.
It in not anything that Moi did. It was in the file I used to get the style colors.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5174.5 In reply to 5174.2 
Hi Brian,

> Might be scriptable? Or not worthwhile?

Probably kind of difficult to script, and I'm not sure that you're going to get a really great quality result anyway, for that approach you probably really need an n-sided patch command which I do want to add into MoI in the future.

A different approach is to model the hub piece more directly by a revolve and then use filleting to make the blending, see the attached version.

By modeling the hub directly you are in more direct control over the shape of the hub itself and is able to be a totally uniform and well shaped surface of revolution in the center of the hub this way.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5174.6 In reply to 5174.4 
Hi Brian,

> It was in the file I used to get the style colors.

I see - so yeah that original file had some annotation text in it and the "round trip" mechanism that tries to preserve those kind of entities that MoI does not itself handle directly preserved it when you then save it out from MoI.

If you want to purge it, create some objects on the styles that you want to keep and then select those objects and use a File > Export to write them to a 3DM file - when you do a File > Export (which only writes the selected objects to the file and not everything) rather than "Save As", it won't do that round-trip saving of internally held entities.

File > Export does only write out the styles that are actually being used by the objects being written though, so that's why you would need to set an object on each style that you wanted to come through.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
5174.7 In reply to 5174.6 
Thank you Michael.
Got a cleaned up style color 3dm with 17 colors, with your methods.
Black showed up as planar white, so added NearBlack.
Edit: NearBlack is not much good, just makes a big black hole in the screen...


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