"Patch Surface"
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5121.2 In reply to 5121.1 
Hi Marco, re: Patch surface - that's definitely on my list of things that I want to add. But it's a particularly tricky process to make work very well, it's pretty easy for patch generation methods to end up with a lot of excess undulations and wiggles in the generated fit surface.

So because of that it will take quite a bit of concentrated effort and experimentation to produce that particular command and that's why I do not have it yet and why I'm not exactly sure when it will get done.

- Michael
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
Just to add to what Michael says.

I use Solidworks and that has a patch that can have up to G2 continuity on each edge. However, 1) It often fails, as it can't find a solution at all or 2) it produces really wacky surfaces in order to maintain curvature continuity.
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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
5121.4 In reply to 5121.3 
on the same note i would much rather prefer an enhanced or optional network command which generates smoother results without all those unwanted kinks...
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Even with it's wrinkles and creases, I would still very much appreciate to blend and create tangent surfaces on more than two edges.

With that being said, I learned about another tool used in Rhino called the "Match Surface" tool.
Basically, it will take two adjacent surfaces and their edges and either line them up with each other to create a nice corner or it will cause one or both of the surface edges to become tangent.
I read that it can also work on the surface curvature continuity as well.

You can see here: http://www.rhino3d.com/5/help/commands/matchsrf.htm

Yes, I'm sure that both the Match Surface and Patch (>2 Edge Blend) commands have inherent imperfections, but those could probably be forgiven with their useful abilities.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Those various things are all on my list of stuff to work on...

- Michael
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