Majik Widget Challenge: Utility Box
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 From:  BurrMan
5119.22 In reply to 5119.21 
Much better.
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Hi ed
just need some Ambient Occlusion to the last one
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Mike is a radio-amateur so....i imagined a portable CB transmitter for him.I tried to mantain his style when modeled this radio (i think the box and the microphone's lines melt well togheter)





about the microphone's cord i invite you to follow Mike's cord tutorial
also following Burr's suggestions at the end of the post (HE is The Professor ! )
------------ be patient:funny things coming soon.....

EDITED: 8 May 2012 by M-DYNAMICS

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
m-dynamics - Big 10-4 on that. Nice model!

EDITED: 27 Nov 2020 by EDDYF

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 From:  Rich_Art
5119.26 In reply to 5119.24 
@ m-dynamics

Nice one... :-)

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)

> M-Dynamics
For a second, I had a picture in my mind's eye of calling "CQ" on that rig.
Nice idea! ;-) Good job on the cord. Just think, that wasn't really so easy until V3.
And that hand mic looks really cool - How'd you go about making that shape?

The carbon fiber is snazzy. It seems to say "I'm reeally expensive, you should see my matching K2 snowboard!"
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5119.28 In reply to 5119.27 
>>Mike<<Good job on the cord. Just think, that wasn't really so easy until V3.
section chord to sweep in your tutorial was difficult because it was not circular like in my case.,you made a great tut with the's funny sometimes when Burr try to "correct" you

you made a cool box,very useable in many cases,easy to slice,bool,construct,etc.
my microphone just follow your style
main shape made with sweep:
red and blue=rails


then lot of bool-diffs
orange button is a squeezed sphere (scaled in one direction) then cutted by bool-diff

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5119.29 In reply to 5119.28 
Thanks M, very elegant. My mind over-thought it and went first to the use of a Network.

It's all relative.


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 From:  BurrMan
5119.30 In reply to 5119.28 
""""""""""""""it's funny sometimes when Burr try to "correct" you""""""""""""""?????????

Perspective is everything....

I call it participation. It shows that I am following his tutes and also attempting to understand everything thats happening... I was glad Mike and Michael, chimed back in to point out what I had missed!

For some though, they are "too good" for any of that and already know everything.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5119.31 In reply to 5119.30 
Play nice.... ;-)

After 18 in the graphics field, 'correction' and 'criticism' has flowed like the river Ganges. I can liken constructive criticism unto a giant buffet. You just have pick the good stuff, and avoid the slimy gray stuff.

This forum is invaluable: it shows you how to use this wonderful program and it allows us all to collaborate and bounce around ideas, both good and bad. (The point of my thread here).
Even in bad criticism, there can often be found minute kernels of good.

I, for one, am grateful that my tutorials are looked upon and sometimes followed. That's quite an honor, especially since I'm often learning along with my tuts as well.

It's good to know that there really aren't any guys on this forum that are "too good". ;-) I think all those guys have six-figure design partnerships and only use SolidWorks.
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 From:  BurrMan
5119.32 In reply to 5119.31 
I think it's just fallout from some other forums. Sadly, it comes here. I certainly DO recognize whats going on.

""""""I think all those guys have six-figure design partnerships and only use SolidWorks."""""""""

Most of the 6 figure guy's wouldnt limit themselves that way.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Sweep / Network give exactly same result or curvature's surfaces and / or tangency are slightly different ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5119.34 In reply to 5119.32 
> Most of the 6 figure guy's wouldnt limit themselves that way.

Yeah ;-) You're right Burr, I spoke too quickly... it's gotta be the guys who 'thinks' they deserve to earn 6-figures.

We're all pretty civil here at MoI... there's a particular pirate radio forum that's having a odd day if there isn't a few roaring flames going.

I've noticed that too - to a certain point.
I think they share some of the same internal mechanisms for creation, but it's easy to get them to act differently.

Sweep, I think, does kind of a scan and fit action as it follows a path, and Network seems like it does some kind of averaging to create the surface.
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 From:  stevecim
5119.35 In reply to 5119.31 
I am grateful for all the tutorials posted. I have not worked through many, but not by choice, just lack of time.

This is 1 forum that I check many times per day and would have to say, it's the only forum I know of that has no pointless flaming :) unlike the camera forums I like to visits now and then.
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Sweep or Network ?
I wanted most rounded shape possible..sweep is my favourite tool,i did the joystick handle and the boots with the same technique
i think to be NOT the right person to ask technical Nurbs tips for the following steps:
1-i got limits with English leanguage (i'll start a refreshing English course next week)
2-i have an istinctive approach with Nurbs modeling,started with ACAD 2000 then ACAD 2005,just solids,not surfaces(i remember everytime needed to orient UCS icon..)
istinctive means i got an idea,i do it,trying to find the most simple way ever ! I'm planning what i'll do,but not too much,let follow my" instinct".MOI is the natural tool for this workflow..."a pair of wings to fly "
so:i attach the microphone 3dm file i did,have a try,compare,rebuilt like you want !

I think,without know directely both guys,Burr and Mike have different backgrounds
Burr have a serious approach because he use Nurbs modeling for CNC work
Mike is a graphic designer,then started with 3D fantasy..
i follow Burr's youtube channel and also Mike's website,first one you find correct techniques,second you find techniques applied to the realty
following both guys you can have a complete panorama of MOI

EDITED: 29 Jan 2015 by M-DYNAMICS

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Cool model!
Model by m-dynamics

EDITED: 10 May 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5119.38 In reply to 5119.37 
Mercì beaucoup !
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
"Far Out!" Pilou!

Thanks M!
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Little variation on model:
no more outern handles but a compact "in-molded " site for handling the radio,made extruding side face then blended (i think looks better and follow Mike's -king of blend- style)


Display texture also designed from scratch in Moi (..what a great software...) exported in AI format then colored in PS
Please forgive me Mike.i'm absolutely ignorant about CB Radioamateur stuff


This is my "official" image for Mike's challenge (i'm fully focused to the "un-official"...coming soon..)


EDITED: 3 Jun 2012 by M-DYNAMICS

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 From:  TpwUK
5119.41 In reply to 5119.40 
I like it - I like it a lot. The seam needs some attention as you can see orange poking through. Needs a lip or an L type lip on both edges.

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