The new OSX version
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 From:  nonius
5115.9 In reply to 5115.8 

Your latest osx beta has version 2.5 to it, instead of the previous 3. There a reason for this? did you leave out some features?
just curious.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5115.10 In reply to 5115.9 
Hi sven, no there haven't been any features left out, it's the same modeling features as the previous v3 beta, just with various OSX-specific stuff refined.

The difference from the previous v3 labeled version is the release schedule - rather than waiting to release a final OSX version until the entire v3 beta process is complete which will be quite a while yet, I decided to finish up an OSX release with the current v3 beta feature set and call it version 2.5 .

Otherwise if I just released it as a regular v3 beta it was kind of a weird situation because normally betas are only open to existing customers, but the only previous versions have all been Windows versions so it was weird for someone to need to purchase the v2 Windows version in order to have access to use the OSX beta. That situation was the case with the first OSX beta but due to feedback about that I switched plans to have a nearer term 2.5 release instead and also to make the betas for the 2.5 release to be open to anyone.

- Michael
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