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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.7 In reply to 5105.5 
Hi southpaw,

> maybe 13'3.5" reads as 160' before clicked on.

This one looks like some kind of other bug, it's probably something from that originally "foot and inch" type display was only supported for units=feet, then later on having "foot and inch" type display was also supported for having units=inches as well but something is likely getting crossed there.

The rounding part will kick in if you enter 3'.5" it will display as 3' 1" in that little properties panel.

But yeah entering 13'3.5" and having the display 160' I can repeat here and that's some bug separate from the rounding.

.... After a bit of testing, it does appear to be specifically for units=inches with "foot & inches" type display - if you switch to units=feet it seems to work properly.

So I'll dig into that to look for the bug in the properties panel display when units = inches.

Like you saw already if you push open the panel the stuff on the edit size panel is actually correct though.

- Michael
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 From:  southpaw (SOUTHPAWAMI)
5105.8 In reply to 5105.4 
So... that's what I'm seeing. When I click on it... right measurement... but looking at it, it's just crazy. 6'6" shows 6'6" where 13'3.5" a 160'. Will try setting to 3 zeros from 2 zeros.


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 From:  southpaw (SOUTHPAWAMI)
5105.9 In reply to 5105.7 
You rock... Mr. Michael. Will set it to feet.

(setting to 3 zeros from 2 zeros didn't work.)
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 From:  southpaw (SOUTHPAWAMI)
5105.10 In reply to 5105.4 
This is the 3dm file of the house I saved for Mr. Michael. And the other pictures are the settings of General and Grid that I had set.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.11 In reply to 5105.9 
Hi southpaw,

> (setting to 3 zeros from 2 zeros didn't work.)

Yeah that will only have an effect if you're using decimal type display and not "feet & inches" fractional type display for distances.

I think I see where the bug is - in order to conserve space on that area if the numbers being displayed are over a value of 100 it tries to display feet only and no inches at all but it assumes that the number it is given is in feet when it's actually in inches. So it is a left-over bit that didn't get updated properly when it became possible for having "feet & inches" type display with units=inches instead of only units=feet.

It looks like the bug is localized just to the properties panel UI so it should be easy for me to post a fix right here for it.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.12 In reply to 5105.10 
Hi southpaw, thanks for posting the file.

So yeah it's a bug with the properties panel display that can happen with certain values (when they're 100 inches or larger) when you have units=inches and distance display of "feet & inches" rather than decimal type display.

But it's only a bug in that one particular part of the display, and all the values that you entered while drawing stuff should have been actually taken correctly, is that correct?

- Michael
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 From:  southpaw (SOUTHPAWAMI)
5105.13 In reply to 5105.11 
but, would that mean the 488' wall of only 40'8" should be 410'? bizarre math..

I suppose there might be some minor mistakes, but yes I was copying from a correctly finished floor plan.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.14 In reply to 5105.13 
Hi southpaw,

> but, would that mean the 488' wall of only 40'8"
> should be 410'? bizarre math..

Well it's a bug so that's why it's weird! :)

Basically the bug is that you're actually seeing an inches value that's accidentally being displayed as feet.

When you enter in 13'3.5" that's actually 159.5 total inches (as a decimal value). It's rounding that value to 160 and then mistakenly reporting it as 160 feet instead of inches. So anyway that's where that particular number comes from.

The bug happened because this bit of display code assumes that if you have a "feet & inches" display set then the numbers it is given are in feet, because originally in MoI feet & inches display only was available for units=feet and wasn't added for units=inches until later on at some point.

I'll have fix for you momentarily...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.15 In reply to 5105.1 
Hi southpaw, here is a bug fix for you.

To apply the fix, download the attached file SidePaneContextArea.htm and copy it over top of the old version which you will find the \ui sub-folder underneath MoI's main installation folder.

This one is for the v3 beta, let me know if you're using v2 instead and I can post a fix for that too if you want.

This will actually disable all extra rounding for "feet & inches" type display in that little properties panel.

Thanks for reporting the weird behavior so I could find the bug!

- Michael

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 From:  southpaw (SOUTHPAWAMI)
5105.16 In reply to 5105.15 
Mr. Michael... I'm using v2... but everyone else seems to be using version 3, so I bet that is quite a handy bugfix.
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 From:  bemfarmer
5105.17 In reply to 5105.1 

EDITED: 26 Apr 2012 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.18 In reply to 5105.16 
Hi southpaw, for v2 use the file attached here.

Make sure MoI is not running, then copy the new SidePane.htm file over top of the old one, which you can find in the \ui subfolder inside of MoI's main installation folder.

Then it should behave properly for you, please let me know if you still see any problems after that update.


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 From:  southpaw (SOUTHPAWAMI)
5105.19 In reply to 5105.17 
lol, that file looks familiar. Mr. Michael says he's got the inches fix. And yep, blueprints coming out of my ears. AutoCAD LT and Canvas 12 are kind of pricey if one day I want to buy Houdini Escape(yes, I'm dreaming of complete nodal workflows with gpu workstation redering... but I still want a modeler that will do blueprint accuracy). Anyhow... lol.

It seems the measurements are registered correctly in the software, just not displayed correctly. Who knows, maybe a fix for version 2 will be there by the time I post this.

.... what do you know... the fix was there when I posted this message
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 From:  southpaw (SOUTHPAWAMI)
5105.20 In reply to 5105.18 
It works great!!! When you do make the fix and it rounds up, please consider providing checkbox somewhere easy to find that says something like "don't round". Just awesome.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.21 In reply to 5105.20 
Hi southpaw,

> It seems the measurements are registered correctly in the
> software, just not displayed correctly.

Yup, the bug did not impact entering the values, just the display of it in that one particular area of the UI, and just with some particular situations (units = inches, "feet & inches" type display, and then trying to display a value of over 100 inches in size).

> It works great!!!


> When you do make the fix and it rounds up, please consider
> providing checkbox somewhere easy to find that says
> something like "don't round".

Yeah I want to rework how that display works. It may be difficult to do no rounding at all though because there is only space for one line of stuff there in the UI, and if the numbers get too large it will fill up the available space and just get truncated. But I do want to rework it so that it doesn't try to round if there is actually enough space to fit unrounded (or "default rounded" by the current precision setting) values there.

- Michael
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 From:  TpwUK
5105.22 In reply to 5105.21 
Hi Michael & Southpaw - Michael, your UI already pre-highlights objects as you move the cursor over them, how about a timed stop thing, so if the cursor is left hovering without a selection being committed that a pop-out dialog box displays for x-amount of time displaying details of dimensions as non rounded values, you could also use the info box to display layer info and object name etc ?

Would that help you too Southpaw ?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
These Imperial measures are a true headache for Decimal users and also seems for the coder :)

Does we must load the little fix above or can we wait a future beta ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.24 In reply to 5105.22 
Hi Martin,

> Hi Michael & Southpaw - Michael, your UI already pre-highlights
> objects as you move the cursor over them, how about a timed
> stop thing, so if the cursor is left hovering without a selection
> being committed that a pop-out dialog box displays

I've just generally tried to avoid having a lot of that type of tooltip type popup stuff, having too much of it can tend to get in the way of actually seeing and working on the model itself...

The other issue is that currently the values that you see in the top level UI are just a quick approximation anyway - when you click on it to drop down the more detailed panel right now, it does a more intensive calculation for determining the bounds of the object and on complex objects that can be somewhat time consuming. It can be problematic to trigger time consuming processes too easily.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.25 In reply to 5105.23 
Hi Pilou,

> Does we must load the little fix above or can we wait a future beta ?

You should load it if you use units=inches and work with "feet & inches" type fractional display for displaying coordinates instead of a decimal display.

If that specific case does not apply to you then there is no need for applying it.

- Michael
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Pilou>>These Imperial measures are a true headache<<

i'm happy to hear it from someone else too....Mercy !!
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