3DConnexion Mice and OSX
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5103.4 In reply to 5103.3 
Hi Gav, well I thought I would have a new OSX beta today but it looks like some fairly nasty bug has crept in recently that I think I'd better get fixed up before releasing.

It's all ready to go except for this one bug so hopefully I'll be able to track that down soon.

So a bit of a delay, sorry.

- Michael
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 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5103.5 In reply to 5103.4 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the update - I'll keep a look out.
I still have access to Windows boxes, Mac Laptop support is just a nice to have when I'm away from the main machine.

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 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5103.6 In reply to 5103.5 
Hi Michael,

thanks for the recent OSX beta.
I can confirm the 3DConnexion stuff is now available, but sadly (at least for me) not very usable.
The drivers control panel don't seem to recognise MoI as running so I have to tweak the "Any Application" profile. Not a problem as such more a point to note.
The real issue is the rather bizarre 'after' motion I get when doing anything. It's difficult to describe, but input seems delayed and then there's excessive movement after I've stopped, almost like there's buffering of input values and the extra movement is simply me not appreciating the initial delay.
If I kinda staccato the movement, i.e. very small bitty taps and rotations the movement is not ideal, but much more predictable.

Any clues?
The same setup on Windows is as slick as ever.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5103.7 In reply to 5103.6 
Hi Gav,

> The drivers control panel don't seem to recognise MoI
> as running so I have to tweak the "Any Application"
> profile. Not a problem as such more a point to note.

Yeah I noticed that there was something a bit strange in the driver with that.

I'm not sure if the driver is hard coded to only recognize a certain list of apps or something like that, or it also may be possible that the driver gets confused from the way the OSX version of MoI happens to be implemented and it may either think that it's not running since the main internal executable that initially launches then passes control to a different program and then exits, or it may also be possible that it thinks that the MoI is named "WineskinX11" instead of MoI. There's not much that I can do about those things I don't think since it's not easy for me to completely re-arrange these internals just to suit how that particular driver happens to expect to see apps structured.

But MoI also has a lot of settings of its own for controlling the 3Dconnexion behavior, there is a section under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom options > 3Dconnexion options along the right-hand side.

> It's difficult to describe, but input seems delayed and
> then there's excessive movement after I've stopped,
> almost like there's buffering of input values and the
> extra movement is simply me not appreciating the initial delay.

Hmmm, I don't see anything like that over here.

Is the Mac you're running it on an older/slower type machine? What video card does it have in it?

> The same setup on Windows is as slick as ever.

Do you mean the exact same computer running Windows instead like with Bootcamp? Or is your Windows machine a totally separate machine?

My guess is that things are not getting processed quite quickly enough to avoid events from getting stacked up.

Right now it tries to respond to every single message that is sent, and I can probably tune it up so that it doesn't do that and kind of skips over ones if they are coming in faster than they are able to be processed smoothly. It should not be difficult to at least give that a try anyway.

- Michael
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 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5103.8 In reply to 5103.7 
>Hi Gav,
>> The drivers control panel don't seem to recognise MoI
>> as running so I have to tweak the "Any Application"
>> profile. Not a problem as such more a point to note.

>Yeah I noticed that there was something a bit strange in the driver with that.

>I'm not sure if the driver is hard coded to only recognize a certain list of apps or something like that, or it also may be possible that the >driver gets confused from the way the OSX version of MoI happens to be implemented and it may either think that it's not running since >the main internal executable that initially launches then passes control to a different program and then exits, or it may also be possible >that it thinks that the MoI is named "WineskinX11" instead of MoI. There's not much that I can do about those things I don't think since >it's not easy for me to completely re-arrange these internals just to suit how that particular driver happens to expect to see apps >structured.
I suspected the 'wrapped' nature of MoI on OSX would be problematic.

>But MoI also has a lot of settings of its own for controlling the 3Dconnexion behavior, there is a section under Options > View > >Rotate/Pan/Zoom options > 3Dconnexion options along the right-hand side.

Yep I see those - I don't really change much that is a problem, but others may.

>> It's difficult to describe, but input seems delayed and
>> then there's excessive movement after I've stopped,
>> almost like there's buffering of input values and the
>> extra movement is simply me not appreciating the initial delay.
>Hmmm, I don't see anything like that over here.
>Is the Mac you're running it on an older/slower type machine? What video card does it have in it?

It's the latest Mac Book Air - 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5. Intel HD Graphics 3000 processor with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory, Obviously, not a massive power house - thoughts?
>> The same setup on Windows is as slick as ever.
>Do you mean the exact same computer running Windows instead like with Bootcamp? Or is your Windows machine a totally separate >machine?

Sorry, I was referring to MoI and a 3dMouse only, no bootcamp here :-). My main machine is an Desktop i5 @ 4.8Ghz and a GTX570. So a direct comparison is not fair or useful.
>My guess is that things are not getting processed quite quickly enough to avoid events from getting stacked up.
>Right now it tries to respond to every single message that is sent, and I can probably tune it up so that it doesn't do that and kind of >skips over ones if they are coming in faster than they are able to be processed smoothly. It should not be difficult to at least give that a >try anyway.

If it's quick, otherwise I could be in a very small minority for such attention, your call :-)
Ta Gav
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5103.9 In reply to 5103.8 
Hi Gav, yeah that's a pretty significant performance difference from your laptop to your PC (maybe particularly with that Intel video) so yeah that could probably be why you see such a difference between them.

But I do think that I have a good shot at improving the OSX one with some minimal tweaks so I will definitely give it a try at least. I can't guarantee that it's going to cook along at the same rate as your PC but maybe if it can cure the extra stacked up movement it would make it work a lot better, we'll see.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5103.10 In reply to 5103.8 
I think that possibly the PC driver has some kind of throttling / message coalescing built into it that the OSX driver doesn't do. But luckily that's not too complicated to implement. (yes, famous last words... ha)

- Michael


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 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5103.11 In reply to 5103.10 
:-) That's cool if you can.
It's not that I expect it to fly, but it's the stacked up movements after I've stopped that's the killer. I over compensate back the other way and .... you get the picture.. It's like wrestling an eel :-)

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 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5103.12 In reply to 5103.11 
Btw, I just noticed the time of your response, given what I assume is about 5 hours difference min - you need to sleep :-)
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