Testing v3 for vehicle modelling
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 From:  zarkow
Well Done, very nice, Render please....:-)
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 From:  TpwUK
Not as much done today as I had hoped for, but the wife had jobs she wanted doing and therapies she needed to have, but at least I found some time to play, as always ... comments welcome

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5101.83 In reply to 5101.82 
Take your time Martin... your family takes priority of course. The inspiration and time will come sure enough.

I envy you, making a car is my "holy grail". I'm suffering from some kind of mental block that puts the ability to do that just out of reach and I feel that I'm not quite there yet.

Fantastic job so far, It's looking really nice!
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 From:  TpwUK
Hi all ....

Hey there Mike, your modelling skills are far superior to mine, just cars is all i ever seem to model other than landscaping projects, which I have not done since my wife suffered HAI, but MoI is going to be used soon to design a new decking area for my own back garden so that we can have a fire escape if needed and so she can get out in the garden and have some privacy while soaking up a few rays....

Speaking of rays, here's a couple of test renders done with V-Ray for SU, but I have a problem or ignorance, not sure which, probably the latter, but despite exporting as OBJ and 3DS and importing into SU, the object names (layers ?) don't seem to get imported and neither do the material (Styles names) ... Which is a pain, but at least the 3DS seems to get converted to components and can be grabbed as big chunks. I have been trying with Blender too, but the geometry is huge on import and despite changing clipping etc, my camera disappears and I cant see it anywhere, but that's a Blender problem not a MoI one ...

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 From:  TpwUK
Found a renderer that suits how I do things, now all i have to do is convince my friend that he don't need his copy of KeyShot ....

What do you think of these test renders, keep in mind it's the first i have played with it, if i can't convince him to part company with his copy - he don't hardly use it - then i have to convince myself that the pro version is like 10 times the cost of MoI !

Now to try and find time to finish this model ... I'll keep ya'll posted

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5101.86 In reply to 5101.85 
Hi Martin, so is that a KeyShot render there? It's looking good!

- Michael
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 From:  TpwUK
5101.87 In reply to 5101.86 
Yes, that's a KeyShot render, It's pretty quick too. I am going to play with it for a few weeks and determine if it's worth shelling that kind of money out for it, but it's even easier to use than V-Ray. I like software that I can dive straight into and get good results, just like MoI, I don't want to have to take a degree just to render a picture and i most definitely don't have the time to study these days, so have another big thank you from me for producing MoI.

I've got to ask you though, are you a designer who loves programming - or a programmer that loves modelling ?

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
5101.88 In reply to 5101.87 
Hi Martin, take a look at simlab composer also, it much less expensive and I think it uses components of the keyshot renderer, so it's quite fast.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5101.89 In reply to 5101.87 
Hi Martin,

> I've got to ask you though, are you a designer who loves programming - or a
> programmer that loves modelling ?

Do I have to pick just one label for myself? ;)

If I had to I guess I would pick the latter with an emphasis on programming. But one of the things that I tend to like about working at a smaller scale rather than as part of a large corporation is being able to do more multifaceted work instead of being focused in a narrow area.

But at the same time programming as a craft tends to require a lot of focus on it specifically since it's so easy to mess up.

- Michael
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 From:  TpwUK
5101.90 In reply to 5101.88 
Will do - Time permitting, and thank you for heads up, the cost is more like my pocket can afford to spend without having to convince myself i have done the right thing - lol

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 From:  TpwUK
Todays progress and fun time with rendering, I must say that I have not had this much enjoyment from rendering and modelling for years. I think i have found MY tools for the foreseeable future ... I know I have goofed the filleting around the side indicator/signaller light fitting but hopefully by the time i have finished with the rest of the fillets and making things have more depth you wont notice so much.

Comments as always are welcomed

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 From:  TpwUK
Got some more done today, and the front sections are almost totally complete. Just the disc brakes to do and some little mapping bits like the bonnet/hood badge.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5101.93 In reply to 5101.92 
Nice and shiny, Martin!

It looks like it could have stealth anti-radar abilities. ;-)
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 From:  TpwUK
5101.94 In reply to 5101.93 
The last few Lamborghini designs have all had that stealth look about them, but their latest has even been inspired by jet design, apparently, but it is a truly stunning piece of automotive design and engineering, see what you think http://www.lamborghini.com/en/models/special-and-limited-editions/aventador-j/overview/

I am still working on the design side of my model at the moment, that body paint is to shiny but I will sort that when it gets to final render, if it ever does - lol.

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 From:  TpwUK
Nearing completion now, well for what I wanted to do. Disc breaks still to model, and a few more fillets and blends. Hope you like it.

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 From:  TpwUK
Discs are now added and reverted to an older wheel - Never modelled a calliper before so this should be interesting, but here's a sample wheel and discs combo. Default settings for OBJ and IGES in the clay renders, and a straight iges import and render. My suggestion for anyone using KeyShot, use iges export from MoI unless you like playing with mesh detail settings ;)


EDITED: 16 Aug 2012 by TPWUK

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5101.97 In reply to 5101.96 
Now that's a well-done, high-tech looking tyre!

Great job Martin!
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 From:  TpwUK
5101.98 In reply to 5101.97 
Hi Mike, shame I cant take credit for the modelling, it's the wheel i got from grabcad but hey ho, my wheel really did look kind of tacky so i just swapped this one to see how it looked , the result is shown below ...

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 From:  TpwUK
Well more progress made, but still not done... As far as I can tell the following external features still need doing;

1. Wiper arm and blade.
2. Door release handles.
3. Lamborghini name tag on the rear.
4. Callipers.
5. Sneaky spot lights that hide behind the front air intake grills.
6. Some more softening of those hard lines.
7. Fuel intake.

If you know of anything else other than the interior stuff give me a heads up, or you could offer comments of course

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 From:  zarkow
Very very Nice, it`s a very good Work.
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