Wow - Lots of replies :)
Michael - Thanks for the advice, it certainly explains why i was having problems doing the fillets and blends, will have to wait and see how it goes with this one. All of the patch's down the left side now marry up, that was fun killing curves and stealing edges - but at least it now forms on big mass. One thing for sure though Michael, after reverting back to Rhino to try some things, your interface was sorely missed and i soon became miffed with Rhino, MoI's surface construction is much cleaner too!
SteveMacc - Nice work with solid works, I tried it on a 30 day download but it was way to cumbersome for my delicate grey matter. However i have followed your advice and made all patch's unite. The enclosed 3DM now has the image guides embedded so feel free to have a play at smoothing the seams provided or creating your own from the prints.
Same applies to anyone, just be kind and show me how you would do it in MoI.