Engrave tool
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5095.3 In reply to 5095.1 
Hi steve, you might want to look at ZSurf for generating a base surface - it works by taking in a grayscale bitmap that is used as a heightfield with light and dark areas of the bitmap being used to make valleys or ridges in the output surface.

So to prepare the bitmap for that you would use something like Photoshop to put in some brush strokes and blur their edges.

It should probably be a better route to make a kind of continuous surface that has a relief pattern in it, it's not practical to just try and boolean away a zillion different spheres, you will be making too many little slivery surface bits that way.

See here for some links to some ZSurf information:

ZSurf can also wrap its result directly on some kinds of shapes instead like a cylinder or I think a sphere too.

There are also programs out there that specialize in deforming a mesh model by applying brush strokes to it, those are probably more directly oriented with the type of stuff that I think you are describing (stuff like raised relief patterns), you might want to check out Sculptris which is one of the easiest to use of those types of programs: http://www.pixologic.com/sculptris/ - these types of programs make polygon mesh output though and not NURBS surface output so you can only load the geometry they create into a polygon mesh program and not into MoI unless you do some more specialized type of conversions.

- Michael
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 From:  stevecim
5095.4 In reply to 5095.2 
thanks bemfarmer, I don't have my 3dm file with me, but what I was trying to do was a globe :) just the basic outline of the continents onto a 15-20mm sphere.
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 From:  stevecim
5095.5 In reply to 5095.3 
thanks, michael

I'll have a look at ZSurf, looks like something that could be very useful.

I have a copy of sculptris and hexagon and blender. but I either can't drive these programs or have no idea on how to get their output back into MoI, I just like using MoI . so I try to do everything in it :) I wonder if someone/company could create a mesh handling 3D app with MoI's interface :)

EDITED: 22 Apr 2012 by STEVECIM

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 From:  stevecim
5095.6 In reply to 5095.3 
Hi Michael

had a 10sec play with ZSurf, is there any technical reason why I can't use Flow with the imported iges surfaces ZSurf creates? (only have the free 2.0 MoI with me at work :)

ZSurf looks like the right tool for a few other models I was having trouble with, like adding animals to the faces of some shields :)
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 From:  BurrMan
5095.7 In reply to 5095.6 
"""""""I have a need to apply some organic type engraving onto sphere , I can use flow to place the curves onto a sphere, but I can't solidify the curves so I can't Boolean diff from the sphere. To create the engraving"""""""

Did you know flow works with surfaces and solids too? You could make your curves extrude "FIRST" then use a plane and the sphere to flow solids onto the sphere, then boolean diff those.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5095.8 In reply to 5095.6 
Hi Steve,

> had a 10sec play with ZSurf, is there any technical reason why
> I can't use Flow with the imported iges surfaces ZSurf creates?
> (only have the free 2.0 MoI with me at work :)

You should be able to but ZSurf creates some surfaces that have pretty high control point counts in a single surface, it could be possible that you might run into some refinement limits in MoI if they get to a really really high level of density.

So if you are doing something really complex using ZSurf's built in wrap around cylinder or sphere could be helpful.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5095.9 In reply to 5095.8 
Here is a file where I extruded some 2d dxf continents into solids, the used flow to apply them to a sphere.. You can boolean dif these from the sphere if you want. You can see how it was setup.

Link on skydrive: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=641344b395278ed0&resid=641344B395278ED0!190&parid=641344B395278ED0!189&authkey=!ANbUKd_vWyml4tc

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
5095.10 In reply to 5095.9 
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
5095.11 In reply to 5095.9 
Very cool Burrman! I had tried this with curves without success, but now I will try it by extruding to solids.

Where is Antarctica? Just kidding :-)

This will come in hady when I am reviewing world geography with my kids. Better than a globe!

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu http://www.coroflot.com/DesignsByTuttle
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 From:  BurrMan
5095.12 In reply to 5095.11 
"""""""""Where is Antarctica?""""""""

Surf was up that day in geography.. Sorry. :o
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 From:  stevecim
5095.13 In reply to 5095.9 
Hi BurrMan

working with solids like that works well, my client had wanted just the outlines, but I think solids look better, I'll see what he say.

( just trying to drum up some quick work so I can afford to by MoI :) I know MoI is well priced, but still out of my reach :) )
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 From:  BurrMan
5095.14 In reply to 5095.13 
Hi Stevecim,
In your original post you were speaking of needing to boolean the continents away from the globe.. If all you want is lines, then you could probably do an "isect" command and generate outlines of the continents.

Look under construct-curve-isect and give that a whirl. Then you could also trim the globe surface with those curves and have continent surfaces too... Maybe run "ExplodeMove" on the seperated lot, to make a cool 3d image of the thing.
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 From:  stevecim
5095.15 In reply to 5095.14 
thanks Burrman, I'll give it a try :)
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 From:  BurrMan
5095.16 In reply to 5095.15 
Earth.. ExplodeMove!!!!!

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  bigseb
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 From:  stevecim
5095.18 In reply to 5095.17 
Nice work Sebastian, Like most MoI users here, your work is at a level I can only bream of reaching :)

here is what I done so far with Moi + ZSurf.

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 From:  bemfarmer
Made an Antarctica from NASA map.
Outline is mostly ice...
Probably too many control points.
Planar and extrude work, but are very slow.
Not to scale...


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 From:  BurrMan
5095.20 In reply to 5095.19 
a 3d pdf for the kids to learn from???

"Hey, where's antarctica???"

Very good johnny... :)

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Dexter (DEKKERBJ)
My two cents, from a cartographic point of view:
To create a correct globe in Moi, use a world-map that is "Unprojected" or is in the "Geographic projection". This is a world map with a 2:1 width/height ratio that will produce a correct globe.
Image Attachments:
Size: 63.9 KB, Downloaded: 47 times, Dimensions: 696x378px
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 From:  stevecim
5095.22 In reply to 5095.21 
thanks Dexter
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