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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
5088.63 In reply to 5088.62 
Hi val2,

i downloaded obj mesh to solid too, after reading your post. I tried it with various .obj files from many apps, but managed to get it only to work with the free UVMapper .obj output and modo. Anyways like you said files can get pretty (i mean very) large if you have a larger poly count. As a test i used a mesh preset from modo and it took ages to convert and also ages to load into MoI. Maybe my Mac is to small for such a task, but it seem for small poly objects it's a nice and cheap alternative!


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 From:  val2
5088.64 In reply to 5088.63 
I couldn't get it to work with a blender obj but I could get it to work with 3DSMax. It took forever for me as well. I'm running a I7-2600k with 8gigs so not that powerful but it's not that bad. For small carefully crafted meshes it could be quite useful but other than that I don't think it is up to the job. I think if one did a retopo job on dense meshes it may be OK but that would need some testing.
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