Power SubD-NURBS
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5088.56 In reply to 5088.48 
< plugin Sketchup export OBJ

A little remark : for me it's works only if you save your object .obj inside the folder "Plugins" of Sketchup else nothing append !

EDITED: 25 Jun 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  adamio
5088.57 In reply to 5088.55 
Correct is not there yet...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5088.58 In reply to 5088.57 
Hi adamio - that's really a key function for it to actually be in the same category as T-Splines or Power SubD-NURBS. But it sounds like it should be coming at some point.

- Michael
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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
5088.59 In reply to 5088.54 
reminds me of TSplines, which I hope AutoDesk does not ruin.
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 From:  adamio
5088.60 In reply to 5088.59 
>reminds me of TSplines, which I hope AutoDesk does not ruin.


TSplines inside Fusion

I have been testing Fusion on the mac for some time now and to be honnest Autodesk once again failed to impress me.
It even crushes by importing simple DWG files, I can open the same DWG with ViaCad that costs $39 :(
I hope the improve perfomance in the future.

But then again Modo 601 + SubD-NURBS is the biggest fiasco ever.

IMO. If Michael ever considers to bring subs modelling into MoI is gonna be game over for the rest of them.

EDITED: 26 Jun 2012 by ADAMIO

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
5088.61 In reply to 5088.60 
>But then again Modo 601 + SubD-NURBS is the biggest fiasco ever.

As a modo user i thought the price would be the same as for 3dsmax 295,-USD + a points system, for example.

>IMO. If Michael ever considers to bring subs modelling into MoI is gonna be game over for the rest of them.

That would be it ... ;-)

On the other side if sidefx could implement a smoothing function for their SubD to NURBS function in Houdini, so that we don't get facetted output, then i would be also more than happy. Ok, if i would be a student then i would use the free Maya student version.

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 From:  val2
5088.62 In reply to 5088.61 
I downloaded the trail version of obj mesh to solid. http://www.resurf3d.com/Objmesh2solid.htm It does what it purports. It does not like triangles very much. the best way to use it is to make your mesh all quads otherwise if you have to many triangles it hangs. It smooths things out nicely but the problem with it is taking a large file and converting it means you have a large solid file so not an elegant solution.

I have also tried stl to step. http://www.solveering.com/products/products_stl2step.html I didn't think it was that useful but maybe some one else might.

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
5088.63 In reply to 5088.62 
Hi val2,

i downloaded obj mesh to solid too, after reading your post. I tried it with various .obj files from many apps, but managed to get it only to work with the free UVMapper .obj output and modo. Anyways like you said files can get pretty (i mean very) large if you have a larger poly count. As a test i used a mesh preset from modo and it took ages to convert and also ages to load into MoI. Maybe my Mac is to small for such a task, but it seem for small poly objects it's a nice and cheap alternative!


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 From:  val2
5088.64 In reply to 5088.63 
I couldn't get it to work with a blender obj but I could get it to work with 3DSMax. It took forever for me as well. I'm running a I7-2600k with 8gigs so not that powerful but it's not that bad. For small carefully crafted meshes it could be quite useful but other than that I don't think it is up to the job. I think if one did a retopo job on dense meshes it may be OK but that would need some testing.
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