MoI crash when importing IGES?

 From:  seasonofchange
Hi to everybody.
I would like to use MoI 3d mainly for IGES to obj conversion so I have downloaded the demo version (No expiration but save disabled).
The problem is that if I try to open any IGES file, the application crash... No matter what file I try, the result is always the same.
If I try to oper a 3dm file, all is ok.
Am I doing something wrong?
I have tryed both: open or import the file, with the same result...
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks alot!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5071.2 In reply to 5071.1 
Hi seasonofchange - is it a particularly large IGES file such that you may be running out of memory when it is loaded?

Otherwise can you please post the IGES file here or send it to me through e-mail at if you want to keep it private so I can check it out and see if there is some bug in the importer that needs to be fixed.

Which program are you using for generating the IGES file. Does the crash happen with any IGES file generated by that program, even for something like a box, or do you get a crash just with one specific model file?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5071.3 In reply to 5071.1 
Also if the IGES file contains a lot of little tiny slivery pieces in it, it could be possible that the joining process of gluing together all those little pieces is getting confused.

You can disable the join by going to Options > Import/Export > IGES options > "Join surfaces on import".

Does it make any difference if that is disabled?

- Michael
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 From:  seasonofchange
Thanks alot for the quick and good answer Michael!
The problem was the gluing process..
Now all works good! Is it possible to glue the pieces after the import process?
Thanks again!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5071.5 In reply to 5071.4 
Hi seasonofchange,

> Is it possible to glue the pieces after the import process?

It is possible to do that by selecting surfaces and then using the Edit > Join command. But presumably there is some kind of situation in your geometry (most likely little slivery surface fragments) that the joiner is seeming to have difficulty handling. So there may be some particular area of the model that won't join properly.

You could try using STEP or SAT format instead - those formats transfer already joined solids so MoI does not generally have to figure out how to join a big bunch of surfaces up for those formats.

- Michael
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 From:  seasonofchange
5071.6 In reply to 5071.5 
thanks again!
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