Illustrator import - Shapes to planar face option Suggestion
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
The easiest way is to run the planar command on the outside bounding curve. Then do a boolean subtract. Select the previously created plane as the base object then all the inner curves as the objects to subtract.

Edit: Sorry, Michael already said this. Didn't read the thread properly...
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
5065.7 In reply to 5065.5 
-> Do you have an example of this?

No not offhand, I'll pay more attention next time it appears...

-> Right now the importer does not keep track of nested paths, and it's unfortunately not -> that easy to figure out how to deal with a lot of things in AI format very well, reading the -> spec is sort of like reading the tax code and trying to make sense of it

:-) Then it's not worth it for this detail.


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