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 From:  Colin
5044.2 In reply to 5044.1 
Hi stevecim,

I've spent more years than I care to mention working as a Goldsmith & Jeweller here in Australia, using the British system.
I'm retired from all of that now, but still play with the odd bit of CAD work for other Jewellers every now & then.
Unfortunately the way a finger size is taken can vary greatly, especially when converting between all the different systems.
When using an existing ring to get the finger size on a Mandrel, some will use "leading edge" & some will use the centreline of the band.
That's not including factors like people using cheaply made & inaccurate Mandel's to take those required measurements from!!

This all means you'll have a wider degree of variance between what you need, what you're getting & what will fit when it's all finished.

Personally, I now ask for them to measure the Mandrel at whatever finger size, using a set of Digital Verniers & then use only that measurement.
A millimeter measurement will give you a far better chance of getting you what you're after.
This works for me because I'm doing work for other Jewellers.
If you're a hobbyist then your going to have to rely on your customers going to a good Jeweller & getting their finger sized correctly...
...Good Luck as it could well be "hit & miss" deal..!
(I refer you back to what I previously wrote at the beginning of this post)

From my experience the RingCircle script appears to be reasonably close when I've needed to use the British system.
FWIW, the script was originally put together by Micheal with input from Jesse, who's a US based Jeweller.

HTH, Colin
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 From:  stevecim
5044.3 In reply to 5044.2 
Thanks Colin

I've looked at a few more sites, and they match up with RingCircle, I'll stop using wikipedia for ring conversions :)

Cheers, Steve
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 From:  shayno
5044.4 In reply to 5044.3 
The Ringcircle script is awesome and very close in its sizes.

I have found that there a couple things that affect the sizes used.

I typically size to the centre of the ring when sizing as opposed to the leading edge and I have finger sizing rings that match my ring stick well.

1 the width of the ring , the wider the ring is the larger you need to go to get to get a centre fitting
A very wide ring I would go a full size larger and a very narrow ring minus 1/2

2 the metal its cast in
Platinum because of the high temperatures involved, the mold investment and the flask expands and you can get a very slightly bigger piece than drawn
I have printed exactly the same square profile band and had one cast in Platinum and one cast in 18ct yellow, they came out noticebly different in size and dimensions, the 18ct one was perhaps 3/4 to a full size smaller.

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