need help with an "adapter-piece"
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 From:  Ralf-S
5029.4 In reply to 5029.3 
Please take a look, something like this, created with Loft:
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 From:  BurrMan
5029.5 In reply to 5029.4 
Here's a couple:

So this shows:

"Blend cylinder with square" and another with "blend square with cylinder"...

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
5029.6 In reply to 5029.1 
Hi tech,

Here you are:

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 From:  tech
@ Ralf-s

Thats the way i've tried, but that doesn't work...

@ Burrmurr

The two models at the right are exactly what i'm searching!

@ Paoblo

I will take a look at you're model tomorrow.
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 From:  tech
@ burrman

can you explain me the complete way to this model? i can't figure it...

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 From:  bemfarmer
Edit: moved bemfarmer's message to this thread:


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 From:  tech
Hello? I really want to know the way u do that.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5029.11 In reply to 5029.10 
Hi tech - in Burr's message here:

If you look at the object all the way to the right you can see how he's highlighted just one segment of the circle - that means that he took a full circle and split it up into quadrants probably using the Edit > Trim command, using the other curves that touch it as the cutting objects.

Then with the circle cut up into smaller pieces like that you can then create one of those corner surfaces by selecting the quadrant (it will be yellow just like in Burr's screenshot) and running the Construct > Sweep command and then select the 2 downward oriented lines along its sides as the rails.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5029.12 In reply to 5029.10 
Michael, up early on vacation! Should get sunny today!

Here's a quick video of the 2 different methods.

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 From:  bemfarmer
5029.13 In reply to 5029.10 
It takes about 2 seconds to do the blend, and
about 5 to 10 minutes to set up the cylinder and extruded square.

It took me about 2 hours to figure out how to do it...

Finally, reading the MoI documentation on blend,
the key for blend is to use segments of the EDGES of the cylinder and "square",
NOT the circle and rounded square which were used for the creation of the cylinder and rounded square.
Either erase or hide or move or keep them away from the two edges to be blended.

Also, remove the top and bottom of the cylinder and square, so their edges are not selected, or a
bulge blend results.

Select the Edges of the two blue edge segments, one from the cylinder, one from the rounded corner of the square.
Press the blend icon.

Blend or Loft or Sweep then works for the "triangular" area.

EDITED: 19 Feb 2014 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  tech
thank you all very very much! :)
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