another little hint
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5003.9 In reply to 5003.2 
Hi Mike,

> And add maybe an extra "offset"-value field?

If you locate your object at some distance away from the path curve, then array curve will maintain that offset distance as it moves the object around the curve.

But if you want some more control over that it might be better to do an offset of the curve itself and then use the offset curve as the path - that can help to see more what is going on with the offset shape.

- Michael
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 From:  mike (MIOHN)

thanks for your replies!

I'm sorry, I already deleted that testfile.

I now think, as you suggested, that the rotation of the spheres
caused that problem. I didn't care of the orientation/rotation
when I arred them along the path.
Will try that again.

And Michael, the main object was a "closed solid" !
This, by the way, was one of the most important tips
you gave me, that solved all of my previous "fillet"-problems.

So, little by little, I'm getting closer to all
the brillant modelling-possibilitys of MOI!

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